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: : : 2001-06-21 : : : 1:24 p.m. : : :

Today I came across a couple of funny things on the net at a couple of my favourite places. The first one was a comment mentioned on the Dodgy message board. The initial message I thought was rather mean: about how fat people shouldn�t be singers or be outside for other people to see. But the replies afterwards were quite funny. One person saying to the fact that being fat makes drummers better or them being �a little tubby.� Well, then Dodgy�s drummer Math told the guy he was �on thin ice, mate.� Then it continued. OK, so *I* thought it was rather funny.

The second funny thing comes as part of one of those mailing lists I�m on: Indie Rock Army. There�s a poll on it right now. Here is what it says:

After ending his career as a rock star (no he can't do this forever) Chris Murphy will become or decide to do one of the following:
*Go on a quest for the magic mirror to assure him that he may be old, but damn, he's still good looking
*Become a stripper DJ at a local Toronto nite-club.
*Open his own vinyl resale shop so he can still tell his tour stories to the kids
*Develop a solo career leaving Jay, Andrew and Patrick to start the "real" band.
*Become a prominent session artist for the Flashing Lights
*Go back to school.
*Get his own radio show on CBC.
*Start his own film production company
*Get his own sitcom on CBC
*Go into hiding.

After I voted, there was 3 votes: one for him going into hiding, one for him becoming a stripper and one for him opening a vinyl shop. And I voted....

What a boring life I lead.

Oh, if you haven�t yet, check out the minipops diary. It�s just the kewlest! =)

Tonight I get to see the New Pornos!! Anyone bored with me yapping about that yet? Just wait until the end of July approaches. Ugh, that reminds me, those tickets go on sale tomorrow MORNING. I�m as giddy as a little schoolgirl. I�ll go to ticketbastard early, just in case, because apparently it�s well advertised on the other radio station, and heck, people here like their MGB (the new single is so-o-o-o good). Yeah, then after I buy my ticket, I�m going home to visit ma famile until Tuesday or so. Woo, I get to see all my friends who have the unfortunate luck of being home for the summer. Oh, tonight I have to remember to look up, because Mars will be totally visible. That�s kewl! (Remember: me, boring life).

Oh, and there is still 1 week left in my Canada Day Contest. Don�t forget to enter. Please enter. So far the number of people who have entered I can count on 1 hand. You can win a book! It�s small, but it�s HARDCOVER. =) (You can make a couple things up if you want)

Enough typing, it�s sunny outside!


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