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: : : January 03, 2005 : : : 10:30 AM : : :

Well, I've sort of forgotten about this thing. I'm not too sure if I'll be updating this diary any more, but I have set up a new home at livejournal, so if anyone is interested, I'll most likely be posting there.

The past while has been pretty good to me...nothing out of the ordinary. I'm still working. I'm still buying music and going to shows, but not as much as I used to. Actually, I'm quite behind on music. I don't watch MM or MMM, and I don't really listen to the radio all that much; though the radio and MM have failed to impress me in a long time. I'm so behind in what all the kids are listening to these days. =P

This fall I applied for the JET programme, so hopefully this summer I will be teaching English in Japan. I need a break from accounting and I want to go to Japan, so this sounds pretty good. =P

I hope everyone had a good Xmas and I wish everyone a joyous and prosperous New Year.


: : : Before Na No Da: : : ::: : : :After Na No Da: : :

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