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: : : January 21, 2003 : : : 12:11 PM : : :

Whoa, it's been some time since I last updated. I have been busy, I have.

My sister has finally moved in. Hopefully this all goes well. The parents came over on Saturday to help us move the big stuff. The move went pretty well. The cleaning went well, too, which took only a couple of hours.

However, since the move, it's been a bit stressful. Actually, just my mom causing that. She kept telling us where to put things and generally complaining. Man, she found so many little things to complain about. My sister kept telling me to cool it, but it's so hard not to get lippy...but that's just to mom.

They left this morning just before I left for what was the least stressful job interview I've ever had. The guy interviewing me just wanted to get a feel for me, so there weren't any of those, "So tell me what are your weaknesses?" type of questions. Hopefully they pick me, but if not, I've been given a good lead to a CA firm which would be fantastic. That way I could get some more schooling and not have to pay for them as long as I pass. =)

What else. A few days ago I got some kickin' Redd Kross CDs from miss leslie. They have been in my player for quite a bit.

Another new development is I'm back on the concert kick. Tomorrow ex-Roomie and I are going to see Jonathan Richman. The night after I'm going with a couple people to check out Hot Hot Heat. Unfortunately that means missing Buck 65 yet again. Someday I'll see him. Just over a month brings Calexico which unfortunately K.Mo will miss because she'll be flying to Southeast Asia that night.

Um, yeah, that's the low down. Time to go home and each some lunch!


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