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: : : September 01, 2001 : : : 2:35 PM : : :

I went to the second night of Mint Record�s Tenth Anniversary Bash. Good times I tell you. Having it at the Commodore Ballroom sure was a good idea. Here�s my mini-critique of the bands. Letter grade idea �borrowed� from this gal.

New Town Animals
This is a Vancouver punk band that is very much influenced by late 60s British punk. Last night was the second time I have ever seen them perform, and this time they were much better (not that they were bad last time...far from it). Their set was loud and exciting. The lead singer sort of sings like Mark E. Smith. Roomie, who is very picky in the punk she listens to, was very, very impressed with them. I think they were her favourite of the night.

Another solid set by Duotang. They played a mix of old songs and new ones from the upcoming album. They started off as just a two-piece, but after the first song, famed shuffle-man Rusty Matyas (*drool*) came on. The two made a big spiel about him (which I can�t remember). The last thing the drummer mentioned was Mad Child. I looked at Rusty and thought that, yeah, the two do share a similar hairstyle. Unfortunately, shuffle-man didn�t shuffle as much as when Duotang opened for the New Pornos or in Novillero�s set at NMW. It was a good solid set.

The Evaporators
As a personality, I love Nardwuar. As for musical talent, uhhhh.... The Evaporator�s set was very entertaining. It included Nardwuar running into the crowd while singing, crowd surfing, and playing the keyboards while crowd surfing. The crowd by the stage was really into the set, especially when Thor, god of Thunder was on. Heavy metal rules!

I Am Spoonbender
This was definitely the most theatrical set of the night. Everyone wore matching yellow tops and black bottoms. Black light pillars lighted up the stage and the occasional blast of strobe light made for a more interesting look. Their songs most definitely would not be played on the modern rock stations: their music is sort of a cross between Stereolab and Nine Inch Nails. A couple tunes were bubbly, while another couple were droney (but not boring).

The Smugglers
Another exciting set last night. At this point Roomie and I were near the stage. I forgot how short Grant Lawrence is. Anyway, they sure looked snazzy in their usual suits and gumboots. They included their hit (?) Especially You. I kinda wanted to dance to a couple tunes, but there wasn�t enough room around me.

The New Pornographers
I was excited to have a chance to see them again. However, I found this time was not as good. I blame the fact that the drummer, Kurt, was sober. (Next time I�m bringing a bottle of Irish whisky.) The set lacked much enthusiasm and there wasn�t much interesting banter. The songs were well done, though. Another reason the set wasn�t as good is that Neko�s mike wasn�t loud enough.
(psst...they may be signed to Matador Records in the US cool is that? *knocks on wood*)

So that was my night. Earlier in the day I checked out the Indy for an hour. I only managed to see the practice run for the sedan invitational cars. I went with C since she had a free pass as well. We sat just after an S-curve (I think it�s near turn 10), so when we saw cars approaching they were going slowly; but the cars built up a lot of speed as they passed by on their way to the straightaway. I fell in love with this little car that was one of those small box-shaped ones, and with a silver Porsche. C was �going for� an older style green Porsche. I enjoyed watching all the fast cars drive by. *VROOOM* Next year I may get a weekend pass... or try to convince one of those people living in the nearby condos who oppose the Indy being there to switch abodes for a few days. I don�t think anyone will bite... but that would be so awesome to have a bird�s eye view of the track plus watching it on the TV at the same time.

Now I have to go and get ready to head to the Radiosonic BBQ. Woo! Grant, David, AND barbequed alligator: what a combination.


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