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: : : September 04, 2001 : : : 5:17 PM : : :

It still feels like a Monday, but at least it is one day closer to the weekend.

How was everyone�s long weekend? Mine was OK. You already know I went to the Indy practice day and the Mint Anniversary Bash on Friday. On Saturday, I went to the CBC barbeque, but I only stayed for an hour. I got bored, and I felt pretty weird being there: pretty much I was the only one there who a) wasn�t in a band, b) related to/married to someone in a band, or c) worked for the CBC. So, I went home and did nothing.

Sunday, I started off by going to Ikea to get a new coffee table with Roomie. We also got some glasses, magnets and art cards. When we got home we realized we got the wrong colour table: birch, not beech. So we planned to go back on Monday to exchange it. So we had to stick the HEAVY box back into my car.

We got home just in time for me to watch the Indy. I was so excited because my two favourite drivers were both in the front (Patrick Carpentier and Alex Tagliani). They both lead the race for the first 69 laps. Then the heartache: something in Alex�s car burst and caused him to go out of the race. I wanted Patrick to win...but not that way. Then with Patrick in fourth, Sweden�s Kenny Brack bumped him from behind in a turn and he couldn�t make it. That made me yell, �Why�d you hit my Patreek? Bastard!� Some say that it might have been intentional...but I don�t know. Though that guy is now tied for second, I think, in points. In the newspaper pullout, I drew all over Brack�s face. That bastard. >:(

Anyway, yesterday we went back to Ikea. The drive to Ikea is a pain in the arse, especially trying to get into the parking lot. When we went to line up at the return/exchange desk, the line up was huge. I don�t think that is a good thing. But we made it through quickly, only for it to go forever when we finally got there. But that Ikea � they sure do have a nice hiring policy, but I only think that because I�m not applying. The guys there are totally droolable. (I�m such a girl)

Other than that, I didn�t do much. I�m going to the movies tonight. Also, we�re planning on paying rent. Our new landlords have moved in, but everytime we have tried to pay, no one has answered the door. We figure that it�s because the woman doesn�t want to answer when here husband is not home. That seems fair, BUT the front door has one of those doorbell boxes with a camera in it. She should try using that to see that it�s just us: two sweet, innocent girls. =P

Anyway, that�s it.


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