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: : : August 27, 2001 : : : 8:40 PM : : :

I really don�t like clothes shopping...not when I have to buy something, anyway. I have a wedding to go to, so I need to buy something dressed up. I started looking last weekend. I was hoping to get a summer dress (I�m certain that summer�s my season), but most of the stores have brought in the new fall clothes. I looked at most of the regular stores and some of the plus sizes because I tend to fall in between. However, mostly I can�t find what I like big enough at the regular stores, and they never have anything nice anywhere near my size at the plus-size stores. There was a beautiful burgundy dress at one store, but no luck. This really cool woman at Addition-Elle, who didn�t believe I was as big a size as I said I was, called all the other stores to find the dress, but none were small enough. =(

I managed to find a two piece number that I was at least somewhat interested in at the Bay. It has a long sleeve jacket and a mid-calf length faux-wrap skirt in a pretty wine colour. (I pretty much stayed in the burgundy/wine/plum/maroon section of the spectrum.) I put it on hold until Sunday to think about it, since I rarely drop nearly $200 on clothes at once.

Today I decided I wanted to get it, so decided to save myself a trip downtown and went to the crappy one by my place to ask they to deliver it there. Not only is the selection there crappy, but also the service. It went from trying all the stores by the lady at Addition-Elle to a twinkie at the Bay not trying at all. Now I have to go downtown tomorrow and hope no one took it. But that Bay did have some funky shoes that would go great with the outfit....

Today in the mail I got Joel�s latest album (not hand delivered) and Thrush Hermit�s Learn to Party video. Now I just have to get a VCR and a decent television. According to my delivery status email from, I�ll be receiving my Cookie Duster CD soon, but SFA will be three to ten days. That�s what they said last time.

I went back to Scratch on the weekend too and exchanged my ticket for a ticket to Mint Record�s Anniversary bash. I�ll be seeing the New Pornographers again, as well as I Am Spoonbender and The Smugglers this coming Friday. And if seeing The Smugglers is not enough Grant Lawrence for me, I will be seeing him again the next day for Radiosonic�s BBQ...if it�s in Vancouver again. I should check up on that.

And this weekend is the fastest weekend in Van City. Woo! Unfortunately my pass is only good for the Friday and I'll miss a lot of the good stuff because of work. >=(


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