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: : : May 07, 2004 : : : 7:38 PM : : :

Well, it's been a while, but I'm back. I've had the internet at home for a few months, but I just never got around to posting here. Oops. I even told this guy that I was going to post within the week, but that was a few weeks ago.

Plenty has happened since I last posted, which makes sense. Most recently, I just sliced open my finger trying to get my new CD player out of its packaging. Why I can never get anything out of plastic packaging without hurting myself, I don't know, but now I'm sporting a Harry Potter band-aid. My finger looks pretty cool I must say.

Last fall, I managed to sprain my ankle. I can't remember if I stepped wrong or if I tripped over nothing. My friends and I were going to the PNE to see the haunted houses, so I was dressed in a long black cloak which made my fall very, very spectacular when I coupled that with what I remembered on how to fall when I took Aikido years back. I even earned 10 style points from one of my friends. I was a big, black swirl, apparently. A couple days after that I suffered shock when I noticed that half my foot was blue. I couldn't stop shaking, which made falling asleep quite difficult. That only happpened for a couple of days though.

The ankle made my limping more authentic days afterwards when I was a zombie for a neighbourhood haunted maze. Tons of people came and it was a real success. I don't like going to these things and getting scared, but dammit it's so much fun to scare other people...especially teenagers. Sometimes I didn't get to scare the kids because the monsters ahead of me did such a good job that the people ran right through the maze. I can't wait for Hallowe'en.

Hmmm...I've left the temping circuit. I've decided that a steady paycheque and benefits were what I wanted. I'm working at the same company I temped for a few times which is great because it was my favourite place to temp at. The people are great, it is so close to home and it was just a fun place to work. Unfortunately, the shareholders decided they want to make more profit, so they got rid of some high-ranking people and are getting rid of some perks, like the company condos. Also, they've decided to move the head office to one of its branches early next year, so I would have to commute at least 45 minutes everyday instead of walking just 15...or I could just go teach English in Japan, which I've been seriously contemplating. I think that would be an interesting experience, and it'll feed my obsessing with Japanese stuff: music, anime, toys, boys.

It'll be difficult saving up for that, though. I've gone and cultured myself by going to the opera and the ballet. Last month I had my first opera experience with The Threepenny Opera and I was just blown away by it. I really enjoyed the music, and it didn't hurt that John Mann was one of the leads. On Monday a couple of co-workers and I are going to see La Traviata. A nice Italian opera. My first ballet experience was the erotic Carmina Burana, which my friend E. and I went to because, well, it was advertised as an erotic ballet. I wasn't sure if I would like it because I was never able to watch ballet on TV, but I figured that it's something that I should experience live, because everything thends to be better live. We were glad we read up on it before we went because a few parts were confusing. We were both blown away by the music and duly gave the conductor a standing ovation. I seriously think "O Fortuna" would be a great morning alarm. It starts off really loud then gives you about 30 seconds to get over the near heart attack, but then it picks up and gets louder and just seems like it would get you ready to face the day.

Hmmm...I wonder if Puppetry of the Penis counts as getting cultured.

I'm also spending a bit of money on concerts because it's concert season again. I saw Sloan twice last fall (and due to my gutlessness, I missed out on playing lead singer when Murph and Patty lost their voices). Rufus came to town on my birthday (imagine the screaming that ensued when I found out) and what a great way to spend it: with a good friend oogling a beautiful gay man. Unfortunately there was this chick who was at a totally different show because she was dancing to her own music and yelling and screaming during Rufus' banter. Fortunately for her, she didn't bother us during the encore because I had half a mind to kick her with my steel-toe shoes I was wearing.

I was supposed to see Air a few days ago, but the show was cancelled due to border troubles. That could very much be true, but E. figured that it could also be the lack of ticket sales. We were wondering how we could easily get third row centre seats a couple weeks after the tickets went on sale and friends of E's got seats right in front of us (but that could also be because Zulu was given better tickets than TicketBastard). I was so looking forward to checking out the opening band, The Mosquitoes.

Because the show was cancelled and we were downtown, E and I decided to check out a movie. We watched "The Delicate Art of Parking" which is an extremely hilarious mockumentary! It was filmed locally, so it was kind of funny to see the theatre we were watching the movie in pass by on the screen. A great movie but I wouldn't recommend it for people who get motion sickness easily. Near the end I was feeling a bit queasy from the camera movement, much like how I felt after I watche Blair Witch. I had to walk around for a bit before I could get on the SkyTrain. Other than that, a very good movie. Go see it!

My finger is starting to really throb, so I think I'll stop it here. I plan to update more regularly, but sometimes it just doesn't work that way. I'll make an effort, though. The internet should be used for more than just downloading stuff.


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