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: : : October 17, 2001 : : : 5:49 PM : : :

The show last night was awesome. Another rockin� show by JSBX.

Roomie and I met near the venue at eight (when the doors were to open) so we could get the good spot again. Of course the doors didn�t open right at eight so we had to wait for a bit outside. Fortunately it wasn�t raining at that point. While waiting in line, we noticed this guy in geeky glasses, a white shirt, red bow-tie, and his jeans cuffed. He had a single red rose in his hand. I mentioned to Roomie that he was a snappy dresser, and asked her who she thought the rose would be for. She said that maybe the guy had a crush on Jon.

When we finally got inside and past the coat check, we headed straight to the merch to see what was for sale. There were a couple of cool JSBX t-shirts on sale for $25, but I decided to save my money for a Sloan T. I scanned my eyes to the right and noticed some familiar shirts but I couldn�t remember what band they were for. Roomie asked if those were Nardwuar t-shirts, and then I remembered that it was Evaporators wear. Then I noticed Nardwuar nearby, and asked if she was talking about him or the shirts (it was loud in there so I wasn�t too sure if I heard correctly after I saw him). She said that she didn�t see him and meant the shirts.

After that we zoomed upstairs to our spot right above the stage. I turned to Roomie and joked that maybe that boy had a crush on Nardwuar.

The problem with coming early to get a good spot is the long wait before the show begins. The Evaporators got on stage after nine and got things rocking. I wondered how Nardwuar had that kind of energy, and Roomie mentioned that that was probably why he ended up in the hospital. Anyway, the got the crowd involved much like at the Mint show. Included in all that fun was running into the crowd (again) and getting people to sing �touch it, touch it, touch it� during one of the songs. After that, he decided to climb some speakers and get someone from the balcony to sing � Roomie! She tried to refuse but he grabbed her leg and pleaded with her. I found that all quite funny, especially afterwards when I remembered that I usually sat in that specific spot. Hee hee, I didn�t have to sing.

After all that good times, we had to wait a bit for JSBX to come on, but it was well worth the wait! Their last album(s) were released in 1999, so I assumed that they would be previewing new stuff, and that they did. I didn�t recognize any of the tunes in the first half hour. They were really good and were more bluesy than any of their previous album, but really none of their albums are bluesy. The songs still rock out though. Fortunately, they played from their whole catalogue. It was good to hear classics like �Afro� (Extra Width) and �Blues X Man� (Orange) mixed in with tunes from Acme and X-tra Acme.

And they didn�t just sound good. That Jon Spencer is a sexy, sexy man. More so live than in pictures. And we found out he had a really great smile. Too bad he doesn�t smile too much, but he was that night. The whole band was. They were really enjoying playing in front of us.

We think we figured out who that guy had a thing for. When JSBX got on stage, he threw the rose at Judah. I turned to Roomie and said, �Damn, he�s goin� after my man!� Hee hee. Even though Jon is sexy, I really have a thing for Judah. Maybe because he�s scrawnier. And he sort of resembles Jayee.

Yeah, so a good time was had by all, I think. The band was on stage for well over two hours, not normal for most bands. They played for just over an hour and went offstage. Then the �encore� went on forever! Even when Jon said that they had time for one more song, they went and played about four. My highlight of the night was when Jon began to do a little speech about the crazy things that was happening right now. At one point it got quiet enough that one could hear someone hiccup. I can�t remember exactly what he said, but it had quite a serious tone. When he started I remembered that they were from New York, so I figured it would be a rare serious moment at a JSBX show, but it ended up with, �it�s time for GET DOOOOOOWN!� Really, only he can pull that off.


I still haven�t received my CD yet, so I can�t gush about it here. However, I do have some fun (to me) Sloan-related stuff, so here we go:

My email to my editor:
You want me to review the new Sloan album.

My editor�s reply:
Is this some kind of Jedi Mind Trick?
OK, I want you to review the new Sloan album.

Expect to see it some time in November or December (but not because of me).


: : : Before Na No Da: : : ::: : : :After Na No Da: : :

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