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: : : 2001-07-12 : : : 6:08 p.m. : : :

The sky is falling and we�re going to tell the king!

Last night I saw a bright object in the sky, but I just assumed that it was a jet. Ho hum, so I just kept on driving. A bit later when I was flipping through the radio stations, one of the DJ�s said that there was something falling in the western sky that wasn�t a meteor and perhaps it was space junk or a UFO. I wondered if it was what I saw earlier, so I looked up towards the sky (probably not the best thing to do when driving) and noticed that the thing I assumed was a jet was in the Northwest. I also noticed that it didn�t really look like a jet, because they usually leave a long trail of gas fumes. So I said aloud to myself, "AHHH! It�s the Armageddon!" But since I�m still here, I guess it was just space junk.

Which is good that I�m still here. The company that I had the second interview with gave me an opportunity for employment. I looked it over and it seems good. I�ll get paid a lot more than my last position, plus I�ll get some benefits after three months. Woo. But I�ll have to work hard these next six months since I will be on probation. And this job will provide some variety. I won�t be stuck just doing A/P; I�ll be exposed to some inventory work and a little bit of A/R. I get to start off with a lot of filing, which I don�t mind doing. I have to sign the contract and bring it in tomorrow and begin work on 7:30. Arg. That means waking up at 6:00.

Before I found out that the company wanted to hire me, I went to another placement agency, because I applied for one of their job postings, and let me tell you...I rock! I had to do some numeric and alphanumeric data entry and my results came back with not one mistake at all and over 7000 keystrokes per hour! Woo. That�s way above average. And I scored above average on the A/P test. That is quite a confidence booster � I�m good at stuff. =)

And having a job means I can pay rent, eat food and...GO TO CONCERTS AGAIN. I will be seeing Eric�s Trip for sure!


PS. Go home in peace and do not fear because the sky cannot fall; only rain falls from the sky.

: : : Before Na No Da: : : ::: : : :After Na No Da: : :

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