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: : : March 01, 2003 : : : 12:38 PM : : :

I've meant to update sooner but I got really busy last weekend.

Anyway, as you can probably guess, I'm back from C-town. I had a really good time despite the snow. I had fun at "Destination Africa" at the zoo, I drank plenty of wine, I spent quality time with K.Mo and I had the chance to hang out for a few hours with tones at work. The flight home was a pain, though. It was delayed by all that snow.

Actually, the day I left I wished that I was staying for at least one more day. However, the next day - Monday - I got a call from the temp agency about a job nearby that I could start on Tuesday. The poor person that I am, I jumped at the offer...especially since it paid a lot more than that last job I had. The job has one drawback, though. Most days I just type-type-type and file-file-file, with the exception of the occassional day where I file-file-file and type-type-type. It's the most boring job in the world. I probably won't be staying much longer, but I'll stick it out until the agency finds me a *better* job (actually the company has someone on the inside who is interested in the job, but they don't think that person is qualified. Huh?!?).

I got to see K.Mo again a few days ago. She came to spend the night over on her way to her parents. I'll see her again in a few days, but that'll be the last time in months because she's moving away. Whaaaaaa!!

Oh darn, my time at this computer is almost up. Half an hour is never enough. Well that's ok. I think I'll go rent a movie or something. Just *something* to get "Particle Man" out of my head.


: : : Before Na No Da: : : ::: : : :After Na No Da: : :

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