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: : : December 26, 2001 : : : 7:05 PM : : :


I hope the past few days have been swell for all of you. I made it back today without much delay at the ferries. I was three cars away from catching the extra ferry they stuck in this morning, but that's okay as I wasn't planning on catching that one. Though it would have been nice to. I expected more people to be there vying for a spot, but I only had to wait an hour for the next one. That is much unlike the airport when I had to pick up my friend K.Mo. Her flight was to touch down at 5:30 so I planned to be there at six for the quick pick up and go. I left home a bit later than I was planning to, so I rushed hoping that she wouldn't have to wait long. I walked around and around the domestic arrivals trying to find her. I thought I had lost her (she hadn't told me the flight number so I had no idea if it came or not). I checked my messages at home to see if she called but she didn't so she hadn't come yet. When she finally did, she jumped me and said that the flight was a horrible experience. It was delayed. The jet didn't take off until the same time I got to this airport. And she felt and heard a big thump under her. She was probably sitting under the landing gear.

After that and the hefty amount I had to pay for parking (because of the waiting), we wooshed to the city on to the church with the neon sign. I wanted to take a picture of the sign because a) it said, "JESUS, the light of the world" in neon, and b) it is being donated to a museum this week because the church is moving to a new location. The two of us (and Roomie) are big fans of the sign. Sadly it wasn't lit when we got there. We were both bummed out.

Since K.Mo is a big fan of Greek food, we went to a restaurant near my house. I had asked a few coworkers which Greek restaurant would be a good one to go to and this one received rave reviews. And boy was it ever good! The servings were pretty big so we couldn't make it to dessert. No baklava. The decor was really awesome. There were old pictures up the stairway and the area we were eating in had a very authentic feel to it. I think it was all the foliage.

When I finally got to the island, it was pretty uneventful. I visited a few people I hadn't seen in months and hung out with my sister. My mom got angry because I went out on Christmas Eve. She was saying that families came home on that day. I retorted that I was ALREADY home and that I didn't come just to see the family. I was with the family all Christmas day. I helped my mom in the kitchen: stirring the gravy, setting the table, etc. As usual she made waaaay too much food. Yet again I'll be eating turkey for a while.

I have become used to not working now. There will be a little trouble getting up tomorrow morning. Egad. And I'll be quite busy.


PS Sylvia, I *will* mail you the tape. I have just been enjoying it too much. And K.Mo gives it a thumbs up.

: : : Before Na No Da: : : ::: : : :After Na No Da: : :

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