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: : : December 04, 2001 : : : 5:48 PM : : :

I really dislike snow. Especially when it's wet. Especially when there is a lot of wet snow.

And when I'm running late for work because I have to get all the snow off my car. Doing the windows wasn't too bad because I had my little ice scraper and I sort of shovelled it off. The rest of the car was a bit more difficult. I went back into the house to look for a squeegie but apparently we don't have one. I found a rubber glove so I went outside and started using my hand but then my hand started to get cold. I went back inside and found a broom and used it to push and sweep the snow off. That worked really well and I think I did a pretty good job of it. I should try out curling...

If I didn't hate ice more than snow. It took me a while to walk across the parking lot at work. After a while I noticed I was walking like a penquin. *waddle**waddle* Maybe that's why they don't fall much.

Month end sucks. I get stuck with all the crappy jobs. Thank goodness it is almost over...unless something comes up.

Today is a friend's b-day, so I HAVE to call her up. Really, she's OK, but I prefer not to talk to her too much. She's great in small doses. Especially with a long period of time in between. It is her birthday so I should call her up again.

But dinner first because I'm hungry.


PS I am appauled at the results of this year's poll. Hamish tied for 9th (with that, Rufus tied for 9th?)? Mandrew at 12? Packet 21 and Jayee 25? I guess it could have been worse: Matt Good or Raine could have been #1. Todd IS pretty sexy.

: : : Before Na No Da: : : ::: : : :After Na No Da: : :

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