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: : : 2001-05-13 : : : 3:15 p.m. : : :

NewMusicWest 2001: Evening 3

(Again I have split this up into 2 entries. See day 2 here.)

Saturday night saw us going to Richard�s on Richards to see The New Meanies. Their set started at 7:45. It felt kinda wrong to be heading to a bar when it was still light out. Oh well, when we got there, I was surprised at the number of people that were there. There weren�t THAT many, but there were quite a few. We went and sat at one of the front tables. I have been a fan of this band for YEARS...since the days they were called The Blue Meanies. I�m glad I finally had the chance. And it was such a great show. I could tell that the band really liked being up there (silly grins can tell one that). They mostly played stuff from their newest album that just came out a few days ago. They didn�t play much from the old stuff: a couple songs from Three Seeds. At least they did play Scenic Anomaly. A great song to listen to on a long overnight drive. I was hoping they would maybe play a song from their very first album. I was going to request 7620 36th Avenue but I couldn�t remember the number order and I didn�t want to sound like a loser trying to be cool. I bought their CD right after the set. Fifteen dollars. What happened to the days when one could buy a CD at a gig for $10? Oh well, after listening to Highways, it was well worth it. Oh by the way, if anyone in the Vancouver area didn�t go see them, you suck! I mean it.

After them was a band called Flannel Jimmy from Vancouver. Let me say: Bring on the funk! I never heard of them before but they were so fun to listen to. They had a saxomophone player, and one of the members was really easy on the eyes. =P There were more people there for them, and I think some of them were fans, but I think most were the *bar stars* that frequent the place.

After that, we head over to Ms. T�s cabaret. It was another Endearing Records night. We walked the five or six blocks, but it was windy and I was wishing that I hadn�t left my jacket in the car. Apparently there are shuttles that go between the bars, but for the whole three days, I haven�t seen one. Thursday night we didn�t get ID�d, but Saturday we did.

The first act we say was some chick names Christine Something-or-the-other. She sounded ok, but all her songs ended too abruptly.

The next act was Weights and Measures from Ontario. I found them quite good and entertaining. One of the guitarists went into the crowd and stood on a chair and played a bit. They were good, but not quite as good as the hype that I heard.

After them was Vancouver Nights. I heard a few of their songs before on Radiosonic. Before I saw them, I didn�t like them. Saturday night...I still didn�t like them. Oh musically they were good. However, the girl�s voice is SO DAMN ANNOYING. She has one of those little girly voices. Also, she probably shouldn�t have drunk before she performed: �Two drinks and I�m ready to go home.� I swear my IQ dropped just from listening to her between song banter. Seriously, each time she spoke she sounded flakier and flakier. The highlight of the show was seeing trumpet boy standing near the stage. =)

The last band of the night was The Salteens. I remembered liking them when I saw them at the Radiosonic on-location at Lonsdale Quay. They were pretty good, but after a while I realized most of their songs sounded pretty standard. But the members all had good voices. Unfortunately they had some technical difficulty at the beginning of their set with the guitarist/trumpeter�s amp. So the bassist was talking and making weird noises during that time. I turned to roomie and said, �Less talk, more rock.� Ha ha, that�s catchy. I should have yelled that out.

So Sunday morning, I finally got to sleep in a bit. I have time to recover until the Flashing Lights come here on May 25th. At least I don�t have class the morning after. Thank goodness.


PS Happy Mommy�s day all you mommies!! I want to go home and visit my mommy. =(

Day One ::: Day Two

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