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: : : December 19, 2002 : : : 9:30 AM : : :

Yes, I'm still alive...barely. My sister has got me going to a fitness class once a week: Body Pump. I last went on Tuesday and I'm still sore, but not as sore as last week which was my first class. It's an evil class, really; we have to do lunges, squats, push-ups and other muscle toning activities to music...with weights even. It's Hell for wimpy people like me. Anyway, aside from the pain and the bad dance music, it's fun.

Last night C. and I went to an advance showing of "Chicago" and I enjoyed it (her winning a copy of the soundtrack was a bonus). Normally I don't like musicals, but this one was quite good. I was quite surprised that the actors actually did all their own singing and dancing. They were pretty good. Now C. wants to take up tap dancing (I think Mr. Gere inspired her).

Actually I'm spending a lot of time with C. In addition to the movies last night, we're going to see "Lord of the Rings" this afternoon (we also went to see "Harry Potter" for the second time last week) with that sometimes crazy, sometimes annoying friend of hers (more crazy than annoying, though). THEN, on Friday we're apparently going Karaoke-ing. Now I do like to do the occassional karaoke, but I think we're doing it sober, and really I didn't know that was possible. Actually I'm a bit aprehensive about that - I've never done that sober. It will be a small group too. I don't know. Isn't it more fun in a large drunken group? I can't drink much beforehand either because everyone else is either underage or non-drinkers. Maybe by Friday I'll catch something contagious and then I won't have to do it. =P

So that's about it. Not much else happening here. Oh yeah, I had a job interview at a new, funky hotel that opened up in Yaletown, but it seems that the job is quite beneath me (it sounds almost like my first ever accounting job) so unless the pay is really good to make up for the boredom of the position, I most likely won't take it. But who knows? I may become desperate by next week.


PS Happy holidays in case I don't update before Christmas.

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