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: : : December 23, 2002 : : : 10:22 AM : : :

I managed to stick in another entry before Xmas. Yay.

I learned that singing while sober ain't that bad...when you get a small private room where people I don't know can't hear me unless I'm belting it out. Actually I belted out a few tunes. It's hard not to scream at the top of my lungs to "Paradise City" (just try can't be done). That moment taught me that, yes, I *can* sing just like Axl. Friday night it was reconfirmed that I can't sing low notes (only backing Beach Boys vocals for me from now on). However, C.'s friend can so we may do some duets in the future.

Unfortunately that same night found my sister sprawled on her parking lot pavement due to a nasty spill while jogging home from the gym. Of course I didn't come home until late. After hearing all five messages she left for me I got to her place and upon inspection of her one swollen ankle and ghastly gashed knee I drove her to the hospital. After spending *hours* in the emergency waiting for her turn at the X-ray machine we both decided that in the future any late night mishaps will go to the walk-in clinic instead (we didn't get back to her place until just before five).

So now I get to play nurse. It's not too bad most times but changing the dressing on her knee was difficult - I wanted to change it more often and she refused most of the time. She can't use her legs to kick me but she still has full use of her arms and now she has mastered the crutches. =P I'm just kidding, she's not bad at all. Because I'm being such a great sister, she has promised me an awesome Xmas gift (bought after Xmas, of course).

Tomorrow we head back to the island. Fortunately the ferries have elevators because she's a bit pokey on the stairs.

Her knee should heal in about a week and her ankle in about three. Hopefully she'll heal soon because it is Winter and I haven't found a way to get hurt yet. *knocks on wood*


PS Happy holidays!!

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