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: : : 2001-08-14 : : : 7:34 p.m. : : :

I�m feeling almost 100%. I did not OD on the vitamin C, but I�m still a little bit sick. If only this old-man cough would just go away. It is hard to do work when I�m busy wheezing.

A couple nights ago I tried one of those anti-cold baths. It didn�t really work. I was able to sort of smell the eucalyptus at the end of my bath, but I was able to do that before I began. I got out of the bath a few minutes after the bubbles all disappeared. I figured half an hour must have passed, but according to my watch, I was in there for only twenty minutes. That included the showering off. Not only did the anti-cold bath not work against my cold, but also the bubbles went away too fast. It�s �fit for the pit.�

When I went to bed last night, I was freezing, so I was huddled in my blankets. Halfway during the night, I woke up in a sweat so I slept on top of my blankets. A couple hours later, I woke up cold again.

This morning, I slept in! My watch�s alarm beeped at 6:20. I turned it off and decided I was going to stretch a bit. The next time I looked at the clock, it was 6:45. Yikes! I had to get ready in half an hour (a rare feat). Fortunately I made my lunch the night before and I knew what outfit I was going to wear, or I would have been in some trouble. I was only a couple minutes late.

Anyway, I must go make tomorrow�s lunch.


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