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: : : 2001-03-30 : : : 986019501 : : :

It�s payday, its payday. Since it�s my first paycheck at this job, I decided to spend it on lots of stuff. I ordered Stephen Malkmus�s CD the second I came home. Then I went grocery shopping because I was in dire need of food. I also bought a new �portable� stereo because the tape deck broke on my old one (and I had to tune the radio using a dial�a dial!! Remember those?). Then I decided to order the �new� I Mother Earth CD from A&B Sound because it was the cheapest place to get it. Unfortunately, the site is under construction. Argh. I don�t REALLY want to buy the CD because the band will only get a few pennies for it and the fact that they didn�t want their old label to release it. However, since I don�t have Napster or a CD burner, I have to get the rare songs I don�t have somehow.

Anyway, I�m desperate. I can�t find Junior Mints anywhere � not since the time I got some at school a couple weeks ago. They don�t have them in the school�s bookstore anymore, it�s not at Superstore (I checked when I went grocery shopping) and they don�t have it at the gas station by my house. I WANT JUNIOR MINTS. AAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH

Speaking of school, a few days ago a girl in my Crim class called me a child genius. What timing she had because the past while I�ve been feeling like I�m dumb. I don�t know...I feel my mind has been feeble for ... well since I�ve graduated high school actually. Ha ha genius! But I don�t know if I like the child part. I�ll be 23 soon, so I figure people should stop calling me child or saying, �you�re still a baby!� *stands up taller* I think I should be considered an adult now. =P

In addition to jonzing for Junior Mints, I�m also jonzing for some Fraggle Rock (yeah, I�m an adult now...woooaaoooaaaoo). I�ve had the theme song stuck in my head for a few hours. I miss watching it. The last time I saw Fraggle Rock was just before the crappy Super Bowl. That was a surprise when I saw it. If I were a fraggle, I would like to be Uncle Travelling Matt. He was cool. The All-Knowing Trash Heap was pretty cool too. She sort of reminds me of Jabba the Hut, except she�s refuse. =)

Anyway, I must go play with my new toy.


Dance your cares away *clap**clap*
Worries for another day

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