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: : : 2001-03-09 : : : 16:34:08 : : :

The Spoon album I ordered came in today. Girls Can Tell is such a good album. I'm pretty sure Lines in the Suit will be in my top 10 songs of 2001.

So I saw Stephen Malkmus and the Jicks last night. The show was very entertaining. That Malkmus is a funny guy. Before they began playing, he was telling us how the band went to see A Time for Drunken Horses which was a very depressing movie. When they came back to their vehicle, their bags were gone. So after they played their first song, he said that it was for their luggage.

The band is a three piece, but they had a guest guitarist playing with them and this chick that kinda scared me. Well, she didn't scare me really. While the others are there playing their instruments, she's jumping around, sometimes "singing" and occasionally playing the tambourine. It was a bit surreal. Maybe she really isn't like that and only pretends to be a flake.

Oh, back to Malkmus being funny. Someone in the crowd yelled that we couldn't hear her "sing." Well, Malkmus said that she isn' a loud singer and that they'e tried to get her to sing loud. Then he mentioned that she saves it for when they'e "alone." Then she gave out a loud, high-pitched "Fuck you Steve!" from off the stage. I think I prefer the banter more than the actual performances when I go to shows.

Sadly, since their luggage was stolen, I couldn't buy a CD if they were selling CDs. That's too bad, because I don't want to pay $25 for it. Oh well, The Hook is in this month's CMJ New Music. Yay. That's my new favourite song...after Lines in the Suit.

While the show went midterm was not so good Al. That's all I will mention about that.

I think I'll start on my Archaeology project tonight. I'm supposed to smash a couple of clay pots into about 100 pieces each and glue them back together. That will take up a good portion of my weekend. I'm nervous about it. I imagine the pots disintegrating into dust after the first few whacks of the hammer. I don't think I'll be *too* concerned about this project since it's only worth 10%.

The weather is SO NICE here lately. I went for a walk in just jeans and a t-shirt...and my shades. Actually last night I was able to walk from the show back to my car a few blocks away without a jacket. Spring has sprung!

And now everybody's at disadvantage
Speaking with their second language
- Spoon "Chicago at night"

: : : Before Na No Da: : : ::: : : :After Na No Da: : :

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