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: : : August 25, 2002 : : : 10:59 AM : : :

Well,'s everyone? I have so much reading to catch up on and it's going to take forever!

Anyway, about a month ago, I tried to get on the Net and apparently the username and password I used was invalid - even though that information was saved on the computer. I figured that maybe our ISP was having a small problem and all would be well in a couple of days because that was what happened once before. Well a week had gone by and still I couldn't get on. I mentioned the problem to Roomie in hopes that she could fix - the account was under her name and she had all the account info. She informed me that the problem was that she hadn't informed our ISP about her NEW credit card number. THAT was the problem and it was finally rectified yesterday. The difference now is that we only get twelve hours a month. TWELVE HOURS. I guess I won't be on MSN Messenger anytime soon.

So what has been up with me the past while? Nothing and plenty. C is finally back from Japan so Friday night I went to her place to give her the gift I bought her from Alaska, to go out and eat, and to watch cartoons. C and her friend are crazy...they decided to dress in some traditional Japanese clothing since we were on our way to a Japanese restaurant. I steadfastly refused but was willing to carry a fan. So they walked like that through the mall. That C, she's a little quirky.

Speaking of quirky, I feel that my sister's roommate is a bit of a freak...and not in a good way. Perhaps it is because she has never had a roommate before (my sister's roommate, that is). She has asked that they buy things separately or if they bought something together that they split it right away. That is fair enough, but when it comes to having separate bottles of dish soap and separate rolls of toilet paper in the bathroom - one for each to use - that's a bit much. What got me a bit upset is that a couple days ago I called my sister really early. We have this new thing where she calls my cell at 4:50 in the morning to not wake Roomie up and then I call her on her phone and she picks up on the first ring. We have started walking before work. Anyway, sister's roommate was quite angry that I call that early even though most days she's up but just not that day. My sister got rather pissed off and told her (while I was still on the phone) that maybe her friends should stop calling at two in the morning during the week. Oh well, the two of them have to compromise if they want to continue rooming together. Now our morning ritual will be that she calls my cell in the morning as usual, but then phones again minutes later to check if I turned it off to signal that I was awake and on my way to her place.

Anyway, enough rants from me. K.Mo came for a visit a couple weeks ago, but since she had relatives and other friends on the island to visit, Roomie and I didn't get to see her that much. But the evening she and another girl came over we decided to play drinking games. While the others were mixing their drinks, most of the night I was drinking straight and any time I decided to mix it was usually kaluha, Irish cream and vodka. I will never do that again, as I became rather ill rather quickly. I have decided to refrain from the games for a while. =P

As to shows, we didn't get to see The Vines when they came because the show was sold out. Dayam. I won't get to see Morrissey for a while because the show has been postponed. Next weekend will be awesome, as I'll get to see two shows: Sonic Youth and Wilco. A month ago I went to Danko Jones, which was one of the rock 'n' rollingest shows I have been to in a long time. It was great to see so many people singing along to songs brand new and old. I thought I was going to faint when he looked at me while singing the words, "Hello Miss World." I keep trying not to entertain the thought that he might have been looking at the busty girl next to me.

That's about it, except that I bought myself a TV and DVD/VCR player. The TV has not been hooked up to the cable and is strictly for movie watching. We don't want noise to be constantly blaring or to have us blankly stare at the screen, which is why we never really wanted a TV before. I christened my set-up with Thrush Hermit's "Learn to Party" since I haven't had the chance to watch it since I got it.

I shall stop as this has become really long but I guess that's the case when one doesn't write for a month.


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