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: : : 2001-08-22 : : : 5:23 p.m. : : :

Today I was having a bit of an off-day at work. It all started with my pants. The zipper was being wonky when I was getting dressed this morning. I thought that it could probably wait until my mom comes to visit and she could fix it. However, when I was in the washroom at work, my zipper broke! I borrowed a safety pin from a co-worker and tried to pin it together. It mildly worked, but fortunately my shirt was long enough to cover the zipper. That could have been somewhat embarrassing. I had to go home during my lunch and change my pants. Since I was at home, I ate my lunch there. This event solved my �where to eat?� problem quite well.

Later on, throughout the afternoon, I was experiencing minor problems which caused me to have many little freak-outs. Good thing the controller wasn�t TOO busy that she wouldn�t be able to help me.

The receptionist informed me that tomorrow is �Happy Thursday,� which the company has usually once a month � except for the last few. Employees get to go to a nearby pub after work and have some drinks courtesy of the company. Yay! I drive to work, and therefore I�ll be driving to the pub. This means I can only legally have ONE drink. Boo! Oh well. I�m not comfortable enough around these people to get drunk anyway. It probably wouldn�t be a good idea to get drunk before my first evaluation.

On an unrelated note, I found out a couple nights ago that I�m OLD. This is according to Alan, who I managed to MSN with. Then he tried to fix it by saying that he thought I was old because I graduated and was working already. Yeesh, whateva! *makes a �w�* Just kidding Alan! =P


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