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: : : October 30, 2001 : : : 6:23 PM : : :

Woo. I just watched the I&I, and good times was had by all. I missed most of countdown to it because of work, but maybe they�ll repeat it later tonight? I thought the best part was when Murph dressed up as Nardwuar, but that was all for of two minutes, as Nardwuar came on the phone. Tee hee. And it was cool to recognize a couple of faces.

Jeeesus Christ
Jeeeesus Christ
Jeesus Christ, Suuuparstar

I had that bit stuck in my head last night. CBC Radio 1 played a childrens� choir singing that. Murph decided not to wear his �Guard� shirt and dug back into his closet to bring out his Jesus Christ Superstar shirt. I have a concert photo of him back in �98 wearing it. OK, I have a few. But anyway, that bit is stuck in my head again.

Tomorrow will be a loooong day. I�m going in early to get some stuff done, being month end. The guys in shipping were supposed to have finished receiving stuff from Europe so I could enter all my information and then pass it on to the people who will be moving it all out. However, they didn�t. Now I have a pile of receivings waiting, but I can�t get to them until after that particular shipment, or the system would have to go down many times. I really don�t like kicking people out of what they are doing so I could do my day end procedures (the accounting system is on DOS, so we all interfere with each other).

A guy at work tried to get me mad at him by saying my name with an �O� at the end. I gave him a dirty look. Ha ha. Yes I was mad. =P

I think tomorrow night I�ll get my arse in gear and start writing my review.


: : : Before Na No Da: : : ::: : : :After Na No Da: : :

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