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: : : 2001-07-04 : : : 4:08 p.m. : : :

Whoa, it�s toasty outside. I just got back from doing a little shopping, y�know, buying stuff.

This morning I actually got up before my alarm. Then I decided to go for a powerwalk. Probably a good thing after my poor showing on Canada Day. I walked to my school, went around the track a couple times and walked home. I was gone for about 1-1/2 hours. My heart was a-pumpin� and I was red from the exercise and the heat.

Then I showered. I have a temporary tattoo on my leg from Canada Day that will not come off, even after shaving and loofah-ing. Actually, it�s half off, so it looks really bad.

I found a few job postings online, so I�m going to type up cover letters and send them off tomorrow morning.

Oh, another reason I went for the walk: last night I had �all-you-can-eat� sushi at this really cool place near downtown. One of my best friends was in town with her dad because she�s moving to Calgary and they both wanted to try this place out. Roomie has been there before. Actually, she�s like a pro sushi eater. She and my friend�s dad were the pros at the table, my friend was the AA, and I was PeeWee (I�ve only eaten sushi once before). It was good time fun and we made it through 4-1/2 rounds. The 1/2 round being when the pros ordered a round of oysters. I REFUSED to even try it; it looked like it would feel gross. I tried this shell stuffed with salmon, I think. The conversation with Roomie went like this:

me: �What�s in this?�
Roomie: �Salmon and cheese and other stuff.�
me: �Salmon, yuck.�
R: �Actually, it tastes like bacon....Oh wait, you don�t like bacon.�
me: �No.�
R: �Actually, it tastes more like really good chicken.�
me: �But you just said it tasted like bacon.�

I tried a little bit of it, but stopped when both she and I noticed a squirmy wormy on her oyster shell. *EW* Well, we all decided to quit this round, and ordered some well cooked, non-seafood. At the end, I was told I did fabulously. �You�re single A with a bullet.� My goal now is to be the Joey Sak of sushi eaters!


PS [Political rant] And our federal government is dumb. If the Health Department really need pot seeds for their medicinal marijuana, why don�t they use quality seed from within Canada? [/rant]

PPS I may be going to see Air in a few days. *fingers crossed*

: : : Before Na No Da: : : ::: : : :After Na No Da: : :

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