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: : : 2001-05-23 : : : 7:30 p.m. : : :

People who hack websites suck! A&B Sound was hacked late last week, but they thought only people who still had orders open would be the only ones affected. I got an email today say that I may have been affected too. So I had to phone Visa and let them know. Apparently I was the guy�s fifth person phoning about that. I�ll have to live without plastic for 7-10 days. Yay, I get to update my signature. It�s a pain in the butt not having one that�s the same as on the card. But boo, my card was such a pretty card. It had students sitting on the lawn in front of some castle-like school.

I had a fun day on Monday. A friend that I haven�t seen since February last year (when we saw Sloan) and I got together downtown to hang out. We didn�t know what to do, so we walked around and perused the shops. We went into this one store neither of us has been to called �Cherry Bomb.� They had the coolest shirts inside. They had all these 70s and 80s designs on them. When I have some $$$, I�m going to buy that �Mullets Rule� shirt that I saw! What I did spend $$$ on in that store was some awesome buttons! I got Fraggle Rock, Transformers, KISS, a Smurf playing guitar and the A-Team for myself. I bought a Kraftwerk button for one of my friends. And later in a 2nd hand shop I bought a sweet t-shirt. A dark green one from the 70s with �Dartmouth� on the front and a picture of some guy skiing. I didn�t have enough $$$ to buy this other blue one that said �High School Championships 1989� with a football on it. The football and the writing were all in gold. It would have been cool to own because I was only in grade 4 in 1989 (I don�t know why that would be just is!). My friend bought a few buttons. Her big score: a Degrassi Junior High button! We ended off our day by getting some grub.

I bought my Flashing Lights ticket today. Yay! And only $9 to boot! Happy happy. The show is this Friday. Hmm...I think I�ll wear one of my snazzy buttons. =)

Time for dinner.


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