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: : : 2001-05-18 : : : 6:15 p.m. : : :

It�s wonderful what a couple of solid hours of sleep can do. I left work early. Apparently in addition to feeling like crap, I looked like crap, so the accountant said I could leave if I wanted. However, the way she said it implied I didn�t really have a choice. I think she�s coming down with the same thing. Arg. I hate being sick, but I do feel a bit better now. What made it worse this afternoon was that my �friend� came too, so that made me hurt even more. Stupid cramps and stupid hurtin' joints.

Dammit, St. Louis just scored again. Hopefully if this game goes into overtime, the CBC won�t break to something else. On the game on Wednesday, halfway during the first overtime, they cut to the provincial election coverage. I�m all for watching that, BUT everyone knew that the Liberals were going to have a landslide victory. I bet it was because I didn�t watch that St. Louis won the last game. =P Joe didn�t win in my riding. The Greens didn�t win any seats and the NDP got all of 3, with the possibility of 4 after the absentee votes get counted. The Greens got a lot of votes, and the NDP are blaming them for the Liberal landslide. What? All the NDP fuckups didn�t do the job? Anyway, *I* didn�t vote Green just to piss of the NDP. I�ve never voted for them provincially.

Hmm...the long weekend is here. What am I doing? ABSOLUTELY NOTHING. I�m going to lounge around the house. Maybe I�ll do some of my reading for class. I don�t have my class again until June. However, I have a 3000 word report with a 10-minute presentation due AND a 15-minute group presentation, in addition to all the reading (including the stuff I should have read for last week). This class is totally killing trees.

My report is supposed to be about strategic planning in my workplace. I don�t think my boss has time to talk to me with the busy season upon us and the expansion that is being planned. Maybe I�ll just write stuff I see and then ask a few questions afterwards to have him correct me in any parts. I just need to find time to do all this observing.

So I�ll stop this now so I can resume watching the hockey game.


: : : Before Na No Da: : : ::: : : :After Na No Da: : :

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