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: : : 2001-02-16 : : : 15:02:30 : : :

The "almost week" review.

The only thing more excruciating to me in my "career" as a student, even more than the moments before an exam is the wait afterwards. It has been over a week since I wrote my archaeology exam, and I have no idea how I did on it. Most times I can sense this. Each class after said exam, the instructor has said, "I do'’t have them marked yet." Granted he is a busy man, but I'm dying here! Archaeology is one of a couple classes I'm hoping to bring up my GPA, especially since I'm taking a second year History class that transfers as a third year. Gee, I should've researched. And because of my auditing class, I don't think I'll become one: it's hard and somewhat boring.

A few days ago, I managed to crash KD's computer (twice I think). Thousands of kilometres away and with no intention. I really should look into this talent that I've got. But I'm not taking ALL of the blame. The stuff I sent her didn't crash my circa 1996 computer. Though I do feel bad for making her lose half of her review she was writing for Chart. She should be saving stuff every 5 minutes...maybe she hasn't taken any computer courses back in high school. But here I am preaching & I don't even do that. ;)

Valentine's Day saw me getting a lot of unexpected goodies from my roommate, for being the great roommate that I am! :P I've saved her butt numerous times. Chocolate is good, but my hips probably hate me now. She also gave me this really cute teddy bear cookie with a pink heart that said "XOXO." I was a bit upset because it was too cute to eat and I informed her of that. I couldn't bear to eat it. All night I was admiring how cute it was, thinking that I would keep pushing back the day I would eat it.

The next afternoon, I had pangs of hunger and had no qualms about devouring that bear.


: : : Before Na No Da: : : ::: : : :After Na No Da: : :

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