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: : : September 11, 2001 : : : 3:48 PM : : :

I still feel sick, even though I live on the opposite side of the continent.

Today was supposed to be a normal day. I woke up this morning at 6:15 and put my radio on CFox to find out why they didn�t show the footage of their first entry for �Larry & Willy�s Toughest Contest Resurrection.� (Check out the footage for yesterday and years past, if you need something more uplifting). I had missed hearing it yesterday morning and so planned on staying up waaaay past my bedtime to see it. I especially wanted to see it after I heard that the guy was shot! But the footage was pulled, because the local TV station didn�t want to have any trouble with police.

However, at 6:30 am, the station mentioned that the World Trade Centre had been hit. I thought, �Oh no� when I heard it, then I thought that, even though I don�t listen to that station much, I was quite sure they don�t do any news at 6:30. I then put my radio on CBC1 to hear what they were saying. After a while I decided to turn my �TV� on to see what was happening on CNN, but the TV was already on CBC so I watched. That was when I started to feel a bit upset. I didn�t see the planes crash into the buildings, but I managed to see the first building fall. Actually seeing and getting the full effect, I felt so ill at that moment. I almost couldn�t go to work this morning. By the time I got to work, the second tower collapsed. For a few hours I couldn�t stop thinking about the guy that was trapped in one of the building earlier. He was on his cell talking to some newsperson on WABC just 6 floors above where the jet hit.

I was feeling awful about all the people still left in the buildings. Then a co-worker had to mention that there were most likely many fire fighters, police officers, and people fleeing that probably got hit by the debris from the collapsing buildings. At lunch they mentioned that the airport here was closed except for Asian flights being diverted to the airport here. Hopefully my roommate comes home soon so we could discuss offering our livingroom for accommodations.

People at work got to leave early today.

I just hope that there isn�t a large anti-Arab sentiment in North America because of all this. I�m just worried that that will happen. Many Muslims here are in a state of shock as well, and are afraid. We don�t need any more hatred and violence.

I really don�t like this feeling.


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