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: : : May 17, 2002 : : : 5:23 PM : : :

Another long weekend = another visit with the family. This one is especially good because I get to pick up my passport for my trip to Alaska. I need a passport to get into the States now, don't I? Anyway I was supposed to go home tomorrow morning. However, my sister's final lease stuff she was supposed to do today she couldn't, so she has to do them tomorrow. She'll be staying the night here and we have to catch an afternoon ferry. Good thing we're walking on.

Having a later ferry means I don't have to wake up before 6:00. That means I will get to spend a few extra hours tonight with C. who made it back from flying over the other Sea of Japan. She is such a great friend and I've missed her a lot over the past few months. And she brought me goodies, she says.

Halfway through today's afternoon, the last of the bosses left, so we were up to our own devices. Most of us pretty much stopped working. I headed over to the safety meeting - "If you aren't doing anything, you're pretty safe" - at the production department. The minutes included "Police roadcheck horror stories," and "Kaluha hair spray." After that meeting, I went to visit my supervisor (who I will always think of as a friend before a boss) to find out what he was doing for the weekend. We also discussed my trip.

You know why Juneau sucks? Because it is not accessible by road. That makes it romantic, but.... I have to take a 23 hour ferry ride from Juneau to Prince Rupert. That leaves no time to go to the Queen Charlottes, where I really wanted to go (no Haida Gwaii *sob*). I can fly, but Air Canada wants over $2000 for two people. Pffft. But my trip will still be fun. I'll be gone for a week in June. =)

That's a week off of work. 8)

Anyway, I hope everyone has a good weekend (regular or long). I'll leave you with a link to a short, but fun quiz. I am 50%.


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