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: : : 2001-07-18 : : : 7:45 p.m. : : :

If I consume caffeine after 6 p.m., I cannot sleep at night.
I consumed caffeine.
Therefore, I cannot sleep.

That�s what I was thinking last night about 1 a.m. I went to bed at 10 so I could be well rested for work. I didn�t fall asleep until after 2. Arg. And as usual in such circumstances, I had some pretty crazy dreams. One involved Murph doing some insane rock moves...but I guess THAT isn�t too crazy.

But instead of just lying in bed for hours, I decided to be productive. I was thinking a lot of cool stuff, so I figured I should write them down, so I got out of bed. I had also been drinking A LOT of water to try to flush the caffeine out, so I would have had to get up anyway.

Enough about sleep, or lack of. I like my job. I�m learning a lot of different things and relearning how to use an accounting software. The great thing about the job is that there are plenty of people around - way more than the 2 others at the property management office. My supervisor is a great guy and I feel really comfortable coming to him 20-30 times a day with a question (think I jest?). The bad thing about my job is I work in a cubicle. After my performance evaluations, I think I�ll spruce it up a bit. Also, to keep sane, I eat in the lunchroom with the guys from the shop. They are a lot more fun than the people in the office � not that the office people are a bore. They are usually just quiet. The great thing about work is payday falls this Friday, so WOO HOO, money already!

So, I�ve been pretty busy the past little while. I didn�t have much of a chance to write here, but I did read diaries. It�s easier than writing and I like to know what my peeps are doing. I luh-h-hv you guys.

Ha ha, a Flannel Jimmy or one of their people checked out my diary yesterday I do believe! Besides work, that�s the only excitement in my life right now. I hope it wasn�t because he could figure out where his site wat! (�s not a difficult addy to remember. =P I kid). Dude, you wanna know which one�s �really easy on the eyes�? Tough. mwahahaha

(I do accept bribes)
Oh I just remembered! The guy has quite the timing because yesterday in my car I was listening to a Victoria station and they were talking about Rocktoria and mentioned this one band from Nanaimo. Then they mentioned FJ and said that they were from Nanaimo too! I did not know that. I just assumed they were from the city. Woo island band being signed to a major label.

That�s cool that they�re from Nanaimo, but only because I used to live/go to school there.

Dear gawd, I hear the Bee Gees on the CBC. What has this world come too?


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