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: : : 2001-08-18 : : : 8:04 a.m. : : :

Early in the morning, Mom wakes me and says,
�Get up Little Monster, it�s time for school�

Up early Saturday morning and I don�t even have school. However, I am going to an anime festival. Twelve hours of watching cartoons. I don�t know if I will be able to endure that. At the most, I watch about five hours of television in a week. I�ll try.

I�m going with C, and that 14 year old girl. When C first told me that she was coming too, I told her that I probably wouldn�t go then. She then explained to me that the reason 14yo acts like she does is because she had an unstable childhood, combined with the fact that she IS a teenager. So, I will give her another chance. She just better not talk to me while I�m concentrating on the subtitles. C also told me that her sister can�t stand 14yo and almost freaked out when C told her she might have had to work yesterday, meaning it would have been just her sister and 14yo. Fortunately for her, C turned down that temp work.

Quelle heure est il?!? I must go now so we�re not all late.


: : : Before Na No Da: : : ::: : : :After Na No Da: : :

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