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: : : April 13, 2002 : : : 4:24 PM : : :

Baby, have mercy
Please don't be unkind

I just bought the new JSBX and I'm listening to it right now. It's so awesome so far. When I took the CD out of the case to put in the player...a shirtless Jon. Yowza! Then I noticed that Russell is shirtless too, which isn't quite as yowza. Judah *is* wearing a shirt. Boo-urns.

Today there was a cool incident. I went to the drug store to mail my tax return and other mail and a woman was standing outside the entrance raising money for a charity. She asked an older woman if she would like to donate and I thought, "I'm going to give some change too!" I wooshed in and put in my dimes and nickels while the other woman was checking to see if she had any change. Right after I gave my money a bunch of people came up to give money too. Woo! My change won't make a big difference, but if everyone gave just a little bit, a little girl can get a motorized wheelchair.


Last night a friend and I went to see Atanarjuat (The Fast Runner). We decided to have a Canadian movie night so it was either that one or Red Green. The movie was at 7:30 so we planned to meet at 7:00 to eat and then watch the movie. That didn't happen. There were so many people there that we decided to get our ticket and we never had a chance to eat a proper dinner. I had a "medium" Pepsi and some Junior Caramels (where have the mints gone?!?). The theatre was small and lots of people wanted to see the movie so we ended up seated in second row. I thought I was going to have trouble reading the subtitles and watching what was happening on the screen, being that close. It was not a problem. There weren't that many subtitles since a lot was said by the music, the mood and the shots.

I was anxious. I was angry. I was happy. That is such a good movie.

The previews for L.I.E. and Y Tu Mama Tambien really intrigued me. I want to see them. Yeesh, I've gone to a few movies in the past while. I may become a movie person after all.


: : : Before Na No Da: : : ::: : : :After Na No Da: : :

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