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: : : July 11, 2002 : : : 6:15 PM : : :

There seems to be some good stuff coming my sister's way in regards to her finding a job here. She has a second interview tomorrow for a position that she wouldn't mind, but doesn't reallly want because the job doesn't fall in her field of study. The good news is that she won't be forced to take it because she has two more interviews early next week for jobs in her field. If for some crazy reason none of the employers want her, I'm sure she will find something else. She hasn't quite been here a month and there is some hope she'll be able to find something sooner than later.

On the otherhand, I'm feeling very blah about my work. I like the fact that I'm busy, but I'm having some difficulty completing all the new things I'm supposed to be doing. I feel I'm being compared to my supervisor who had this job, which I think is unfair because he's very dedicated and really understands a lot of different accounting things that I hope to one day know. He's really, really smart too.

I just feel that I'm being watched and that I could lose my job at anytime. The thing is, I'm not the only one at the company who feels that way. I think it's affecting our work.

The lack of trust is really pissing me off at work, too. I am fully aware that I am privy to some information and have to make some confidential cheques. I don't see why the HR woman has to go to my supervisor to have him make sure that I don't tell the receptionist, to whom I talk a lot, that I'm printing out her pay cheque. I've made cheques for how many months? Twelve. You figure I can figure out what to say and what not to say? I have never let anything slip that shouldn't.


Oh well, enough bitching about work. (It's not all bad...the recent addition to the scenery IS a nice distraction. If only he wasn't a married distraction. =P )

I just found out that K.Mo, who was previously going to take her holidays at the end of September is able to take them at the beginning of August, so I'll get to see her soon! I'm very excited about that. I was pretty sad when I figured I couldn't afford to visit her in Cow-town this month.

Hopefully we'll get into some crazy shenanigans.


On a morbid note, I wonder if that "police incident" on the bridge this morning jumped or not.


I heard the new Danko single today on the radio, and had trouble sitting down after the ass-kicking it gave. I seriously can't wait the week and a half until the new album comes out here. When it comes out, you should get it too...unless you already got the European import.

He'll be here near the end of the month. I'm down with that!


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