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: : : November 21, 2001 : : : 6:23 PM : : :

Busy at work again, sort of. I got plenty of work done matching invoices to orders. That's because the system was down this afternoon. Then a guy came in to try to fix it. It's always going down. People were complaining. People came to me to ask why *I* asked to have everyone logged out (we use AccPac on Dos, so I have to do that everyday for day-end). However, I had to keep telling them that it wasn't my fault. Stupid system. So after all that matching was done, and getting the proper people to approve them, I had a giant stack waiting to be entered into the computer. I shouldn't say "had" because it's still there. Hopefully tomorrow and Friday shouldn't be too busy since it's American T-giving (*gobble**gobble*).

And I kept getting fed chocolate. That is a bad much as it tastes good.

OK, who was looking for Patrick at this diary this afternoon, huh? C'mon, fess up! For future reference: he's not here (insert *frown*). Most likely he's at home. =P Or is he on tour...I can't remember.

A few people came here looking for that CanRock book. THE Mr. Barclay did (past RadioEscapader, co-author of book), but he fessed up to it. Should I email him back? I dunno. All I have to say is, "I like your book." Hmmm...if that's all I got, maybe I shouldn't.


Thanks tones-y:

I am 54% Metal-Head.
I rock just as hard as the rest of the thrash set, except when no ones looking
I like to get down with a little "More than a Feeling."
Take the Metal-Head Test at!

I have been waiting for that test! Past tests.


7:00 PM
Had to add more tests!

I am 26% Raver.
Well, I have been to a rave. I probably know a bunch of ravers,
but they may think of me as an outsider.
That's okay, at least I am not a complete freak.
Take the RAVER Test at!
I would have had a higher score about three years ago.

I could go either way. Deep into the madness of nights filled with coding CGI-Scripts
and online role playing games, or I could become a normal user. Good luck!
Take the INTERNET-ADDICT Test at!

I am 32% Grunge.
What's this? The longest I've been without a shower is three days? Not even close,
man. I should go sit out in the rain for a week.
Take the Grunge Test at!

I am 24% EMO.
Okay... so I'm not emo at all.. I am probably not even goth, because goths are just messed up emo kids... I am probably a metal head... or into boy bands...
Take the EMO Test at!

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