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: : : January 29, 2002 : : : 5:49 PM : : :


I had a pretty bad day yesterday. But the story begins on Sunday when it snowed and snowed and snowed and snowed. Twice I went out to sweep the snow off my car so I could find it for work the next day. I guess I didn’t leave enough snow on the car, because when I went to my car, it wouldn’t let me in! The lock was fine, but the door was frozen shut. I tried heating a knife to cut through the ice, and it was partially successful. And now my Care Card is broken too.

I was now late for work.

I phoned work to say that I would be late, stating that my car wouldn’t let me go (I think it wanted to give me – and it – a snow day). Then I phoned the transit company to find out how I could get to work. It sounded easy enough. The bus would pick me up two blocks from my house and after my transfer would drop me off right at work.

Unfortunately, crossing an intersection a block away, I fell on my bottom. It hurt like a sunava! I also fell on my left hand. Last year I learned how to fall propery in my Aikido class. There wasn’t enough time between stading and lying for me to remember everything. That class was sure helpful! So I got up and continued on. Fortunately there was A LOT of snow on the sidewalks so I could run the last bit to catch my bus. Of course I looked like an idiot while doing it.

My bottom was better (good ol’ padding), but my hand/arm continued to hurt. I didn’t realize how much I use my left hand at work. Whenever I open a door or file, I use my left hand. When I squeezed/clenched my hand, I would have to use the other to straighten it out. Likewise, when I had to press my hand flat, I had to use my right to convince them to bend again. After a couple of times, I learned to use my right hand for everything.

Today, I can open things, but I can’t quite use a stapler. My back is a bit sore too, but oh well.


Apparently in my last entry, I made K.Mo sound least to her. I was planning on saying that she wasn’t, but then I got all the pro-US trip propaganda coming to my email. And she tells me she has some supporters on her side: her roommate and someone else who works at the AAA.

After I got the emails, I told her that I’m not supposed to receive personal emails at work. Because I’m not. So she sent me an email to my hotmail addy. It was pretty funny actually:

alright, you win this round.
now i strike where it de toni.
yes, you should be worried now. (She added the italics herself.)

I don’t know....that almost sounds like a declaration of war...or something. Well, it seems like I’ve got a bit of an uphill battle. Especially when her weapon is Ham, the Astrochimp. But I have Roomie supporting me. As long as dubya is in power, we both stated we’re not setting foot into the U.S... unless there’s a really good concert in Seattle. =P

Well, I’ve got some work to do.


PS Hee hee, it could be like the Olympics. Canada vs. USA. Go team, go!

PPS And she sent me this link. Gee, and I thought he was a fireman who liked Subway sandwiches! Now I know why he's trying to lose weight!

: : : Before Na No Da: : : ::: : : :After Na No Da: : :

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