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: : : December 08, 2001 : : : 2:39 PM : : :

What did I do on the first not-going-to-C's-house Friday?

Rah rah ole!

Yes, I went to see Kim Mitchell last night. The band played a night club near my house. I told people that it was within walking distance, but really it wasn't. If I had walked it would have taken me at least half an hour. I forgot how far sixteen blocks was. So I drove and it took only five minutes.

I was supposed to go with Roomie but the message she left on our phone said that she was sick. I was wondering if she was sick or "sick." She looked like crap when she got home from work, so she was sick.

The venue is sort of like a metal bar. I was both scared and excited. I found a really good spot with a nice sightline. I got there about half an hour before the opening band was to play so I just sat and listened to the music. I think the DJ was teasing me. He played some old STP, Rush's "Limelight" and some good ol' "Jailbreak." I was on a high from those. However, he played a lot of shitty hair band songs (as opposed to good hair band songs) in between those. A lot. That brought me back down. And the music was WAY WAY WAY too loud. Louder than the Starfish Room. No one else seemed to mind, so maybe that's just me.

I was pretty bored for my first two hours there. Fortunately this woman began to talk to me. She said she was protesting against her friends. She had originally reserved a booth at the bar, but she realized where we were was a lot better. She tried telling them that, but they continued to sit in the booth. She was pretty cool and a funny drunk. She kept asking if I was okay throughout the night and her and one of her guy friends kept asking if I was sure that I didn't want anything to drink and stuff. Pretty cool.

I do wish I had those two hours back. The two opening bands were my opinion. Some people did enjoy them. The first band was just boring. They were a country-rock band. They didn't inspire anything in me and I didn't really like the woman's voice. And men in their forties should NOT wear tight black shirts. Especially when they aren't attractive. The second band, Booti Dharma are kind of Wide Mouth Mason sounding, but a little more rock and not as good. The only thing they had going for them (in my opinion) is the lead singer is a beautiful black man...who wore tight pants. He dresses to the left.

Finally Kim Mitchell came on stage at 11:30. I was pretty excited. He opened with a song I didn't know. Actually a lot of the songs I didn't know because I only know the singles. The band was on stage for over two hours. Awesome! That Kim, he’s a funny guy. And he has a lot of energy for a guy in his late forties. Rock! For the encore Kim said they would play a Max Webster tune that was 27 years old. I brought out the fingers and toes, carried the one and figured out that the song was older than me. =P And they finally, finally did "Go For A Soda." My favourite song by them. Right when the song ended I went home. I had enough of that bar. And I was tired.

I slept until 11:00 this morning. A phone call woke me up. Now I have to run and do some shopping.

But before I go, a couple more online test results:

I am Matched Phrenology Busts.

I enlighten Norwegian glass bacteria with richly sponged hardwood thought processes. Four ripe metronomes ridicule my lucky castle of relief. My auspicious mercury rides level coral.

What erudite spheres reveal strata? The Utterly Surreal Test

And the best online test ever:

[If I were an online test, I would be The James Bond Villain Personality Test]

I'm The James Bond Villain Personality Test!

I live in a fictional world of spies and blonde women with ridiculous names, and I like to give people plenty of options. Although whether they're villainous is not optional.

Click here to find out which test you are!


I'm just doing my rock-n-roll duty

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