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: : : September 25, 2001 : : : 8:00 PM : : :

Last week at work, the main photocopier stopped working. So, the receptionist sent everyone an email regarding that. Later that day, a couple of guys from the other end of the building (engineering) went to do some photocopying. One of them complained that it wasn�t working. The receptionist said, �Well, I sent an email. Didn�t you read it?� I guess email was a little wonky that day. He got it later in the day. I got mine right away, but I�m right by the receptionist.

A sales guy jokingly asked if the engineer wasn�t on �the list.� Then he said that the only thing worse than not being on the list, is being on it, then being taken off.

Anyway, today, the latter occurred to me. I was supposed to be one of the first to learn how to use the new digital photocopier. However, the HR manager switched me with the A/R girl. Damn. I learn tomorrow.

In addition to my own busy work, I had to play receptionist as well. The receptionist and all the others who usually cover for her for long periods had their training today. Oh, to make things even more difficult, the voice mail wasn�t working.

The controller wanted my department to have a quick meeting, but I whined, �Who�s going to look after the phone?� I don�t know why I whined. It�s not like I enjoy answering the phones. And I don�t like paging people. I don�t think the guys in the shop can hear me when I page them, anyway.

Blah, blah. But another payday is coming on the hori-i-zon: Friday. Woo! Unfortunately almost half of it goes to rent.


PS Happy birthday!!

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