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: : : April 06, 2002 : : : 8:45 PM : : :

Vaudeville is alive and well in Van City! At least quasi-vaudeville. Canned Hamm were the hosts of last night's show. They were the entertainment between acts and I nearly peed my pants the first two times they were on the stage (the third time was a bit tedious).

The opening act was "The Gay." I think the woman playing accordian is also in "I Mudder Accordian." She looked like one of the girls that was on Going Coastal. The band's sort of remined me of Jale: musically like So Wound but lyrically more like Dream Cake.

Young and Sexy (who are young and adorable) were pretty good again. Their set made Roomie change her opinion on them. Alright for supporting the locals!

Their set last night I will rate as their second best that I saw. Not as good as the first time we saw them, but much more enthusiastic than at the Mint Anniversary Party. They played some new tracks which sound just awesome. A couple of rockers and a few pop ones. This time we were lucky enough to have Dan Bejar with them too. Finally!

It was good times. Many bras and skivvies were thrown on stage. I did not throw my bra because a) I was sitting too far away and b) bras are expensive.

Today I finally physically have my Fox Fest II/Sneak Peek/Pre-NewMusicWest ticket. There is no Ticketbastard near me so I actually have to plan a sort of a trip. I should of thought ahead when I bought it a couple weeks ago and had it mailed to me.

Woo! Just over a month until You-Know-Who!! =)

When I picked up my ticket I also did a bit of shopping at Zeller's next door. I needed to buy some insoles for my "moon shoes." My sister ended up wrecking the insides of shoes so it was damn uncomfortable when I put them on last night. So I didn't wear them and just wore a pair of sneakers.

They also had chocolate on sale since it is post-Easter. I bought a chocolate VW Bug. On one side was some hippie designs but on the other was some cool flame detailing. It's a cool piece of chocolate work. It's currently on display on top of my fridge for as yet an undetermined time.

I also bought some frame at the Bay. It was a bonus pack of those glass ones with metal clips, so it was pretty cheap...that and they were on sale as well! Three frames for three bucks! I love surprise sales.

I don't know what I'm going to do tomorrow. I should do something fun. A fun day. B-days should be like that, right?


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