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: : : February 26, 2002 : : : 6:03 PM : : :

Friday night I did something I don't usually do: I went out dancing. A couple of my sister's friends came over and we went out and danced. We were there about 11:00 and it ended at 3:00. I didn't get home until four in the morning. That I haven't done in a long, long time. I had great fun...even dancing to bad hip-hop. I did have the chance to dance to fun 80s music. Woo funky town!

Saturday I saw a really great "foreign" film from Quebec. I call it "foreign" because I still need to read the subtitles. It's called Un Crabe dans la Tete. In brackets were the words "Soft Shell Man." Why didn't they just call it "A Crab in the Head"? If Roomie, who took Spanish rather than French in high school, could figure it out...why make it something else? Though "soft shelled" does describe the main character.

Anyway, it was really, really, really good. It's about an underwater photographer who saw something on assignment but he can't remember what it was. Instead of using flashbacks, as is normally done, the viewer has to wait while it is unravelled in the movie. I don't know how widely it is being showed, but people should check it out.

It's pretty quirky too. And I sort of relate to the main character.

On Sunday I stayed home and waited for THE GAME. A friend of mine called me two hours before it started. She had to study for a midterm on Monday but she couldn't because she was nervous about the game. Us Canadians are like that. She told me that the game was being shown on the big screen at GM Place. I wish I knew earlier so I could have gone. It was the biggest gathering in all of Canada. But maybe it was good that I didn't go. With all those people being patriotic and all the happiness after the game...I probably would have started bawling. I get that way sometimes.

"My" Joey even scored two goals. Yay.

We should have taken my car after the game and drove around the city whooping it up, but we couldn't find our little flags.

Yesterday I went to the gym. I missed Friday so it was a bit difficult. My muscles weren't really into it. Doing cardio work was find, but my legs were being bitchy everytime they had to lift something in addition to my weight. But I finally did the 21-minute workout in 21 minutes. No breaks for me, yay! The best part of that circuit is what I dub the "Wicked Witch bike." It looks so old-school (in an exercise bike sort of way) and whenever I ride it, it feels like I'm in "The Wizard of Oz."

The problem is, I want to see results NOW. I know they will come eventually. And even if I don't see much, I'm at least doing something instead of just sitting on my ass surfing the net or reading the paper. That is a step in the right direction.


You are Fozzie!
Wokka Wokka! You love to make lame jokes. Your sense of humor might be a bit off, but you're a great friend and can always be counted on.

Is that not me or what? I changed a couple of answers (because they could go in different ways) and I was Kermit. Fozzie/Kermit is pretty accurate.

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