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: : : November 18, 2001 : : : 11:15 AM : : :

Wow, that was a pretty cool meteor shower. I was going to stay up and go outside at 5 am like I read at the CBC site, but checking the newspaper it said the best time was between one and three. I should have figured the CBC meant EST. So I rushed outside wearing two t-shirts with a sweater, two pairs of socks and a scarf. I can't handle cold too well. Oh, and hot chocolate to keep my insides warm. I made it too hot, so I had to wait to drink it.

I stayed out until about 2:30. I saw so many meteors. The paper said that we should check out the East, but man, the best ones were to the North and right above my head. Actually, I was quite surprised when I saw the first one, that it was greenish. One was really cool. I didn't see it, but the whole sky flashed green so I quickly turned around and managed to see the trail it left in the sky. Woooo, that one got down pretty far before disintegrating. (Unlike whale blubber, they tend to do that. =P ) There was also some cool rapid fire action happening too.

Unfortunately, I was watching them by myself. Roomie had gone to bed. I was debating waking her up, but when the green flash happened, well that made up my mind. However, she said she was too tired to get out of bed. I tried calling C a couple hours earlier, but she wasn't home. Oh well. It was cool to be watching the shower in relative peace...and for some reason SoTW's "Venice is Sinking" was going through my head the whole time. I dunno.


Earlier yesterday, I went to the movies. We didn't see Monsters Inc. because my friend said she didn't want to spend a lot of $$$ for it. Awwwwwn. So we went to "Divided We Fall." It's a tragic comedy set in WWII Czechoslovakia - a Czech/German film with English subtitles. I found it kind of cool that I was able to catch quite a few of the Czech words. All the Slavic languages are quite similar.

I really enjoyed the movie. The acting was done really well, as well as the cinematography. I really enjoyed the super-blurry part in the beginning, but when it happened again near the end, I was getting a little nausiated.

And darn it, those two history classes I took were actually good for something! =)

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