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: : : December 11, 2001 : : : 5:22 PM : : :

Waaah. My watch stopped working. That means tomorrow morning I have to use the alarm clock. Every morning I wake up to the sound of my watch beeping. I don't use my alarm clock because it is the cause of near heart attacks. I don't have one of those radios; I have one of the wind up ones that ring REALLY loudly. I only use that clock as a back up when I'm afraid that I will sleep through the usual alarm. Since 99% of the time I don't, I figure this method allows me to live longer.

Today at work, mostly I filed. All of the 1999 files had to be taken out of the cabinets and placed into cardboard boxes to be shipped off-site. I figured that would not take too long, but it took the whole day. The actual making of the boxes and filling didn't take long, but I had to make a detailed spreadsheet about what was in each boxes: names, year and department. My fingers feel a bit raw, but now I'm done that for a year. I just have to get new folders ready for 2002 to put in the now empty cabinets and move some binders into the storage room.

The work sucked but I was making a pretty cool fort out of the boxes. The plan was to not allow anyone near my desk so I couldn't get any new work. The stacks were high enough for the shorter guys, but I only had 10 so they just walked around them. Late in the day the controller came by and my chair made it difficult to walk around the boxes (since I was sitting in the chair). I began to celebrate but then she tossed the papers towards the tray and they flew right in! Damn.

But at the end of the workday I had to move the boxes off to the side. I needed a way out, you see.

I think I was getting a little high off of the jiffy markers. I was giddy all day. But those things smell pretty awful.

Tomorrow, back to regular accounting work.


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