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: : : May 31, 2002 : : : 5:33 PM : : :

What a glorious day. The weather is sunny and quite warm. There was cloud cover for a couple of hours, but that disappeared. This good stuff is supposed to continue for the whole weekend. I will have to exploit it. That may be a bit difficult because we have friends staying over, but I shall try.

I was made aware at work that headphones are not to be worn. Dammit. Work really is a "no fun zone." Starting Monday I decided to take my sister's CD player to listen to while I worked. I was happy and was still productive. However, "they" told my supervisor to tell me not to wear them. Funny how he didn't have a problem with it but "they" did. I always had the volume down low enough to hear people talking to me or the phone ringing. Maybe it's because it doesn't look professional?

A couple of co-workers said they saw it coming. Nice of them to tell me. Apparently someone else who wore headphones was told to not use them.

Now it's back to listening to nothing, or queasy listening that's programmed into the phones, or the A/R girl's hip hop station. Actually that station isn't TOO bad, but as much as I like the new Eminem song, I really don't want to hear it four times a day every day.

I just want to be a happy worker bee, that's all. =(

At least in a week's time I'll be off. Yay. We decided to go to Juneau. We figure we save a day of driving, and a lot of gas (and Marshall - the van - will get a break). Also, we can sleep on the ferry so that's saving on a motel. We can sleep as much as we want. Hmmm...I'll have to invest in a mask and maybe some earplugs.

I think I'll head out into that sunshine now.


PS Rock on Senegal for upsetting the world champs. I didn't watch that one, but the important games are on this weekend.

I am Snoopy
Which Peanuts Character Are You Quiz
Not quite, but close enough.

[i'm dean thomas]
...and which lesser Harry Potter character are you?

I'm nice. =)

I Am A Fnord
Take the What Will Your Result To This Quiz Be? Quiz
by napoleonherself, if you are so inclined.


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