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: : : 2001-06-30 : : : 11:38 a.m. : : :

Since I�ll be busy the whole day tomorrow with Canada Day festivities where I�ll be enjoying great Canadian music, drinking lots of water and eating lots of food and most likely receive a sunburn, I�m posting my contest winner today.

And here is the winning entry for my Canada Day contest:

I am the ultimate Canadian! I love all things Canadian, and I try my best to be a good citizen of Canada! I cringe every time I have to write body bgcolor when I'm html-ing! It's colour! O-U-R! Colour colour colour! I wear socks with big red maple leafs on them! Canada day is my favourite day in the whole year, and every year I get dressed up in a big Canadian flag and I run around like a maniac! I don't idolize Americans, or think Canadian movies suck (because that's just not true!) and I love LOVE love love Canadian music! Woo ha! I go to hockey games, and I scream my head off, and I jump around like a crazy lady! I am addicted to Canadian TV! Give me Kids in the Hall over *any* american comedy, because the Kids in the Hall is an even better show than the simpsons! I am a proud Canadian! The national anthem occasionally even gets a few tears out of me (sniff, sniff)! I am the most Ultimate Canadian I know! Eh!

That was brought to you by Owl! Yay Owl. She wins the book: Quotable Canada: A National Treasury. And a few runners up get little prizes as well. =)

So today I will be doing a lot of baking so my group won�t go hungry or have to pay for whatever food they have up on the mountain. The festivities start at 12, but we�re going to begin the climb at 9 so we don�t get too hot. The main route is closed so we have to go up the much longer, but easier (woo!) route (pronounced root, not rowt). I�m excited about seeing Limblifter and The Rascalz, and there is going to be a lumberjack competition. How Canadian!!

Happy Birthday Canada!!!


PS I saw The Anniversary Party last night. It�s a really good movie and I recommend you go see it.

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