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: : : 2001-03-05 : : : 21:26:27 : : :

Right now I'm in the middle of writing my history paper. Actually, I just sent it over to my sister to check out what I got so far. She's so much better at that kind of stuff being the History/English major she is. I figure I'll get at least a B+ on this one, because the last one I wrote was worth shit in my books, but I got a B- on it.

It's midterm season again. I used to like having more than one in a class, but now they just keep popping up again and again. Dammit, will the madness never end? Yeah, at the end of July.

I saw Snatch a few days ago. That was damn funny. I especially liked the part when the Russian guy has his head covered and he's acting like a chicken (after the milk scene). The ending was not exactly like I expected...close, but not quite. I really wanted to see the movie when it first came out, but after a while I backlashed when EVERYONE was going to see it. But in the end I again wanted to see it, so I did.

I got some funky socks from one of my friends on the island. It's because I'm a good friend... or a good chauffeur. The socks have big bright dots and a nerdy/funky girl on them. Tres cool.

Hmm... what else? Mike O'Neill is coming to Vancouver on April 12, right around my b-day. That is so good, because I can't go to U2 (also around my b-day) which is sold out or AC/DC which too is sold out and too expensive anyway. The AC/DC concert is right around my b-day too.

Well, I should get back to the ol' paper and get it done so I can start studying. Bah school, who needs it?


The best quote I've heard in a long time, a la my roommate: "It was very anti-climatic...after the whole climax."

: : : Before Na No Da: : : ::: : : :After Na No Da: : :

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