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: : : March 02, 2002 : : : 5:15 PM : : :

It was such a nice day today. Sunny and warm. The way it should be around these parts. The sign that good weather is upon us: aeroplane banner ads. I tried to read what it said, but stopped after a couple of seconds: reading and driving just don't mix.

Unfortunately they (meaning the meteorologists) say that there is a chance of snow next week. Really? In March? That happened once in my life: back in the good ol' days of elementary school. My brain has a tendency to forget the important stuff and only store small meaningless information (like snow in March in grade three) in the folds of my brain.

Like the time I was in Lethbridge years ago when it snowed. It was May. I came from BC in shorts and a t-shirt. I probably remember that because snow in May is rather silly. Albertans and their silly weather.

I bought the new Rob Zombie CD today. You're shocked. I know it. Roomie was: "I'm shocked at your choice of musical purchase."

"I'm shocked at your adoration of Justin Timberlake."

"Only when he dances."

"Uh huhn, sure."

There's a parental warning label on it, so I said to Roomie, "I don't want my mom in the same room as me when I'm listening to this." Actually I could: there isn't an obvious "Fuck!" or anything in it so she wouldn't catch anything I don't think. Or understand most of the what's being said.

If I ever played it in the vicinity of my mom, she would probably tell me that the music is awful and to turn it off.

I have decided not to go see GBV next week. I would feel like a poser because I don't own an album and only know a few songs. I'll just save that money and put it to some good use: Rufus in less than two weeks. Again. Lovely. I managed to convince Roomie to come along. Doing that wasn't very hard: she likes him too. I can't remember why she didn't go last time. This time he's playing the Commodore. That's a pretty sizeable jump from playing Richards. Oh I can't wait! I'm pretty sure K Master will be there too. Woo!

Oh. My. Gawd. Ozzy is on this album too!

Anyway, I hope the good weather continues.


8:50 PM

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