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: : : September 17, 2002 : : : 10:17 AM : : :

Going home for the weekend is a lot harder than it used to be. I'm tired of having to wait on the side of the highway because on one side the ferry terminal isn't finished, and I'm tired of having to wait on a main road (and an extended wait in the terminal) on the other side because it takes management forever to decide to put on an extra ferry. Because of that putter of a ferry and the extra long wait, I missed seeing The Importance of Being Ernest.

However, the car is now fixed and I have $500 less in my bank account. I don't mind seeing the parents once in a while, except when they keep nagging me to continue on with my accounting education. Other than that, it wasn't too bad. Saturday morning I picked out a cake for us to celebrate my sister's birthday, as it is this week. She was quite happy to get money as a gift, but she's not quite so happy to be giving it to me because she owes me money.

Oh, I just remembered another thing that made the travelling unbearable: my sister was forcing me to listen to Nelly. Gawd that was awful. She didn't even give Buck 65 a chance, just because she never heard of him and because I like his music.

Yesterday I did nothing, pretty much. I bought a few groceries, a small light for my closet and got some keys cut. Actually only one of my keys was cut, as the second one had "Do Not Copy" stamped into it. Darn those respectable key-cutting establishments! =P

Today doesn't prove to be too productive as well. I have a couple small errands to run. Also, I hope to resist the urge to put "Sense and Sensibility" into the VCR again. I only bought it on Wednesday but I've already watched it five times, if not more. I'm not that big a Jane Austen fan...I just *swoon* for Colonel Brandon (as portrayed by Alan Rickman). I want to out myself as a die-hard Rickman fan, but I've only seen a few of the movies he has been in (and now own two), so now I’ll be content as just a little fan, for now.


Anyway, there is some exciting news in music (at least for me). On SFA's U.S. tour, they are playing Seattle. With any luck, they may come back up here again. I'd jump for joy. If not, then I might have to make a small trip down to Seattle...if I can afford it. I may have to sell my firstborn child. =P

But, I should get out of my PJs and make at least a half-hearted attempt at a somewhat productive day.


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