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: : : February 08, 2002 : : : 7:59 PM : : :

What have I done?!? A couple days ago I joined a gym! The plan is to get toned and lose a little bit of weight. I've been meaning to join for a long time and finally I did. Today I had my second session with an instructor. Fortunately I'm not sore, unlike that first time. Today they got me to do some cardio too, so I went on a manual treadmill. Those things are scary! I held on tightly the whole time, worried that I would fall back. Gah. I'll most likely do some more cardio tomorrow. I have to drop off a void cheque and it's a bit far from home, so might as well make the most of the trip. It's near work, though, so weekdays that's good..

Arg, I'm hungry. I should eat dinner.

The good thing about working out is that I feel much better, especially mentally. At work, the president at the company is taking over the accounting stuff while the controller is doing a project. So now reporting to him is a bit scarier, because he's higher up and I don't find him all that approachable. For one, I don't tease him.

Anyway, on Wednesday, my supervisor and I got a memo saying that my area was behind on filing and much too messy. It was cc'd to the HR woman and the controller. What I had to do was do all my filing (fun, fun, fun) and cut down the amount of inboxes I have to two. I started with twelve.

Oh, I should mention here that he is very organized and a bit of a neat freak.

So I did all my filing and immediately got rid of three of them, with me explaining to the HR woman how I was changing that area. I also told her that only having two would be quite a difficult way for me (or anyone) to keep track of what I was doing. In the afternoon, my supervisor and I were discussing how to work on the other ones.

On Thursday, I got a second warning. Already! That put me in a bad mood all day. Actually, the thing that put me in a bad mood was that he did it all via memo cc'd to every frickin' person. Really, what I would have appreciated is at least coming to me the first time to say: well this is what I want done and this is why. Did I get that at all? No! So Thursday I was working hard trying to cut everything down so I wouldn't get reprimanded in some way.

I got it down to two inboxes and a little filing thing. I received no memo so it should be OK. Unfortunately now everything gets piled on top of each other. Like when the cheques are mailed, I get all the back-up back to file away. That's at least fifty cheques that have to go on top of my in-progress and approved pile. The receptionist thinks that I should have another box for general filing. I totally agree. I'm going to give this a month (to put it through a month-end) to see if me and the new filing/inbox system works. If not, I'm going to go to the president and tell him he's being unreasonable. Well, not in those words, but pretty much to say, "listen I did what you said but I'm having some problems with it. Can we discuss this." Because I'm all for discussion.

Thank goodness yesterday was "Happy Thursday." I like unwinding with people outside of my department. The core group of six was there. I really like this day and always look for it. Not only is it the company buying me a drink and some nachos, I find I learn a lot more of the company. You see, the guy in charge is a sales guy who has been with the company for many years. So he entertains us with stories of what has happened.

Actually, yesterday I learned about this product designer that used to work for the company and made a lot of people in the company miserable. He had an ego and was pretty persuasive. That guy: got a few people fired, made a few want to leave, and caused one guy to have a heart attack a day after he was fired.

The good thing about this story was it made me really realize that my filing problem was pretty small. It cheered me up. Or maybe that was the Bellini.


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