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: : : February 21, 2002 : : : 5:15 PM : : :

Back here after my vacation and such. Time for a recap!

Friday night saw me rushing and panicking. I had planned to leave work at 4 to have plenty of time to get to the airport. I didn't leave until 4:20, ten minutes earlier than my normal days. I had a very stressful day at work and all that rushing wasn't all that helpful. Also, after waiting about 15 minutes at the bus depot I find out that the bus is a shuttle one and I have to call to be picked up. I made it to the WestJet check-in five minutes before cut-off.

The Calgary arrivals gate is quite inviting. Cozy, even.

I was too tired to do anything rambunctious that night, so I got a vehicular tour of the city and we stopped for some pop in a crazy little coffee shop.

Saturday morning was a write-off because K.Mo and I didn't get to bed until 3 am. That afternoon we went to the zoo. We had a lot of fun and took crazy pictures at "Prehistoric Park" (I hung out with my bud, Ankylosaurus). In the regular zoo the best part was visiting with the moose. One looked like it was going to pose for the camera but it sneezed at us, which nearly gave us a heart attack. Then it started mugging for us and tried to eat the bit of plastic telling everyone what it is. The other one was being bashful.

Saturday evening K.Mo, her roommate and I went for dinner at this place called "Mortal Coil". Holy cow, $20 for appy's and expensive drinks too. Later we went to a bar for some karaoke-ing. People have got to learn that if someone sings a song, no one else is allowed to sing it. It's a pain to hear the same song three times. Unfortunately the place doesn't offer the best selection in tunes. For one: no AC/DC songs! Later on that night someone in our group mentioned that someone should do the "Love Boat" theme. K.Mo and I looked at each other and then I wrote it down on the piece of paper. And boy did we croon. But thanks for that cruise line commercial from years ago, we didn't know all the words correctly. Good thing they supply those. Hee hee, we even got complimented for our choice. I guess a few were getting sick of Elvis and country tunes. I had my "name" pronounced as "woowie" when we were called up (we don't use our real's more fun that way).

Oh yeah, I had plenty of drinks. That's why I sang.

On Sunday K.Mo and I went to the museum to see the Pop Revolution display. I really liked it, especially the "Banned in Canada" display. It showed some books and art that have been banned in Canada over the past fifty years or so. Actually we now have our art on display at the a scrapbook. It's fun to make art with feathers, petals and pieces of paper. Sadly I can't find my souvenir magnets from the display. There were some large pictures covered in magnets with the purpose of visitors to keep taking one in order to show the picture. Very sad. =(

We also went to a cafe to play chess. I totally kicked K.Mo's arse. After one game, we went back home to play without people watching. I easily won again.

On Monday, we missed a silent movie event at a theatre. Because it was a holiday, they only had a showing at 2:00. We finally got through to the manager (because the box office line was super busy) at ten minutes to. So we rented The Sting. I wanted to rent Forbidden Planet (because we saw a bit of it at the museum), but do you think Blockbuster would have it? Apparently not. It's a really good movie starring young Robert Redford and Paul Newman. Afterwards we played more chess. She was winning for the most part, but I squeaked a win. We also watched the Olympics.

(Should mention here that the Olympics were watched a lot during the vacation.)

Tuesday morning (which was very cold) we went for brunch at a cute little diner. Afterwards we attempted to kill some time before I was supposed to meet tones and Sandy. We ended up being a couple minutes late because we were having fun looking at all the toys in one store.

Met the others at Starbucks and had some coffee. Managed to confuse tones by drinking my coffee through a straw. I don't know why I did that, it just seemed right.

Sandy was pretty quiet. Tones, well that Tones never did shut up and when my friend called my name she kept answering! No, I'm kidding. She's pretty cool, but I already knew that. Actually, I was worried they would think I was boring because I wasn't talking much. I wasn't feeling the greatest that day. Aunt Flo decided to join my vacation that day. So, I'm sorry girls.

But shopping was pretty fun. I saw a cool ping-pong t-shirt but they only had it in little people sizes. And lots of pins in the one store, but too many Bruce Springsteen ones.

That afternoon, we managed to hear Sloan twice: at the cool store and at the restaurant. I wanted to steal the Star Wars game off the wall. And my lunch was good, but it's hard to go wrong with fruit and banana bread.

After we all parted ways, K.Mo and I headed downtown because her roommate's car was there (with my luggage inside). I got to check out a few stores and walk along a pedestrian-only street. Van City needs some of those. That would rock on Robson.

Then I went home. The flight was shorter than the waiting for the bus/travelling on the bus afterwards. It was nice to have people sitting with me. The guy beside me was pretty talkative, which was nice, and the guy beside him was a French hottie.

Phew. Then last night I had to go to the gym to get back into it. That was hard.


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