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: : : April 26, 2002 : : : 8:00 PM : : :

She steals the online quizzes, I steal the survey. It's all about give and take.

1. What facial feature do you find the most attractive on others?
A big smile as long as the person has nice teeth.

2. Would you vote for a woman candidate for president?
A woman Prime Minister? Why not. Just not Alexa McDonnaugh or however you spell her name.

3. Would you marry for money?
Maybe, but most likely no.

4. Have you had braces?
No. According to my dentist, I have really nice teeth. My sister had braces.

5. Do you pluck your eyebrows?
Yes I do. It doesn't hurt anymore unless the hair has a really big root. Ewww.

6. Do you ever cut or hurt yourself?
Once in a while I walk into something. I get a paper cut many a times.

7. When was the last time you had a hickey?

8. Could you live without a computer?
Two summers ago I was without a compter for two months. I managed to survive.

9. Do you use ICQ, AOL Buddy list etc..?
MSN messenger definitely. I also have Yahoo! Messenger but don't use it.

10. If so, how many people are on your list(s)?
A couple on Yahoo and about 15 on MSN.

11. If you could live in any past time period, which would it be?
Early 60s I think. That would be fun. Or maybe the 40s when cars were really cool.

12. Do you drink enough water?
Sometimes. I do when I go to the gym but some days I don't drink water at all.

13. Do you wear shoes in the house or take them off?
I mostly wear slippers. I wear shoes only to walk across the living room to where the shoes are kept. There is no room by the door.

14. What is your favorite fruit?
Strawberries. I really love apples and raspberries too.

15. Do you eat wheat bread or white?
I recently bought white bread because it was on sale, but that's because I forgot I only like to eat white bread frozen. It's gross at room temperature. I like 60% or multigrain bread the best.

16. What is your favorite place to visit?
I really liked Split, Croatia when I was there. It has cool architecture and being by the blue water is awesome. The salty air reminded my and my homesick sister of the island. There were lots of cute boys on scooters too.

17. What is the last movie you saw?
Y Tu Mama Tambien.

18. Do you kiss on the first date?
If I want to.

19. Are you photogenic?
Not really. Well, I'm never happy with my picture except when it's professionally done (which isn't often). Once in a while there's a good picture of me.

20. Do you dream in color or black and white?

21. Are you wearing fingernail polish?

23. Do you have any dimples?
One on each cheek. Permanently on display because I'm always smiling.

24. Do you remember being born?
What? I have enough trouble remembering last week. Oh, but I'm good at remembering unimportant things. I think my birth would fall under the important category.

25. Why do you take surveys?
Surveys kill time and space. A lot of times they are more interesting than what I can think of.

26. Do you drink alcohol?
Once in a while. I used to be such a lush before I turned 20.

27. Did you like or do you like high school?
High school was pretty good. I had some good times there. I wasn't the most popular but I wasn't that much of a loser either. I was one of them smart kids.

28. What is the most beautiful language?
Something always sounds so wonderful and beautiful in every language, except English and Dutch.

29. When you are asleep do you like being kissed awake?
Sadly I haven't experienced that.

30. Do you like sunrises or sunsets the most?

I'm usually trying to avoid a sunrise. I love sunsets when I'm at a beach.

31. Do you want to live to be 100?
I would like to live a bit past that if I'm still in good working order.

32. Do you think women should be expected to shave their body hair?
No one should have to do anything. I try to remember to shave at least once a week. More so in the summer time, but less so in the winter when I need the insulation.

33. Do you like salty food or sugary food the most?
I prefer sugary. I don't add salt to my food and become nauseated if there is a lot in the recipe.

34. Is a flat stomach important to you?
I would like to have a flat stomach, but, really, as long as one is healthy that's all that really matters, right?

35. Do you or have you played with a ouija board?
No. I haven't really been interested.

36. Are you loyal?
It depends on who.

37. Are you tolerant of other people's beliefs?
Most times. I don't tolerate it if it's racist, sexist or hateful in any manner, though.

38. When you watch movies at home, do you like the lights on or off?
It doesn't matter to me as long as the light isn't glaring onto the screen.

39. Do you believe in magic?
Not magic tricks, but magic in general.

40. Do you have nightmares frequently?
Very rarely do I have nightmares. When I do they usually involve silly things like sharks with legs or being attacked by a giant parakeet.

41. Do you like your nose?
It's an alright nose. I don't mind it. Other people absolutely adore my nose. It's small and cute I guess.

42. Do you like abstract art?
If I'm in the mood for it.

43. Do you think you can draw well?
I can do quick sketches that look like what they are supposed to, but I don't have the patience to try to draw something really well.

44. Do you listen to music daily?
Read the quote on my last entry.

45. Do you like to watch cartoons?
I enjoy cartoons. Over the past while I've developed a quasi-addiction to Anime.

46. At what age did you find out that Santa Claus wasn't real?
I think I was 7.

47. How many pairs of shoes do have in your closet?
Ten pairs I think, and they are not in a closet they are in the shoe area. I don't buy new ones that often, but I'm reluctant to throw out old shoes if they are really cool. If there is any semblance of a sole, it's a keeper.

48. Do you like to wear the same shoes everyday or do you like a variety?
Well, I mainly wear the same shoes to work but I like variety when I go out.

49. Do you write poetry?
I wrote a poem a few years ago. That was the last time.

50. Do you snore?
Not very often. Usually it isn't loud, but one time I woke myself up when I snorted in my sleep.

51. Do you sleep more on your back, front, or sides?
I sleep in the recovery position that they teach you in swimming lessons.

52. Would you rather have a poodle or a rottweiler?
Generally I'm afraid of dogs...unless the dog is a fluffy one. Fluffy dogs aren't scary. I don't think either of the two are fluffy.

53. Do you lick stamps?
At home when I have only one or two to do. At work I use the little blue water bottle.

54. Do you use an electric can opener?
I use a manual one. We're on can opener number three.

55. Have you ridden in a hot air balloon?
No, but it sounds like fun.

56. Which hurts the most, physical or emotional pain?
Emotional pain for sure. There are drugs to make the physical pain go away. Emotional pain can come back again to haunt you too. Also, you can't even show off that scar.

57. Do you think balding men should shave their heads?
Depends on the head I think. Patrick Stewart looks fine without shaving. Shaving is a far better alternative than a combover, though.

58. Do you know anyone who is clinically depressed?
I know someone who has SAD, but that's about it.

59. Do you prefer a piano or a violin?
I can't play either (very well), but if I could, piano would probably be my first choice.

60. Are you a sex addict?
Based on the past while with the amount of action I get....I don't think I could even qualify as a semi-sex addict. Or a quarter addict either.

61. Do you know someone who has cancer?
A few. I also know a few who died from it.

63. Do you hunt?
No and I never would unless I really needed to for survival. Vegetation and nuts first.

64. Do you like fast food joints, or expensive restaurants?
I like a mid-priced restaurant with a good variety of food. McD's is good when I'm really hungry and don't feel like cooking. I can't afford expensive restaurants.

65. Would you rather visit a zoo or an art museum?
I like both. I had a really good time at the Calgary Zoo, but I do enjoy going to the art museum once in a while.

66. Do you have a middle name?
Mila. It's my grandmother's name on my mom's side.

67. Are you basically a happy person?
Almost everyday. It's a rare day that I'm sad. I'm surprised people don't find that annoying.

68. Are you tired?
I’m "Full Of Life" (Woo! *clapclap* *clap*) right now.

69. Did you drink anything with caffeine in it today?
I drank a couple mugs of mocha coffee this afternoon and a mug of green tea this morning.

70. Have you ever met anyone off the internet?
I have met a few.

71. How many phones do you have in your house?
We have two phones. I have my own cell phone too. I have a "pay as you go" plan on it so I have to keep adding more time every month but I rarely use it. Won't my sister be happy when I give it to her with all that time on it.

72. How long is your hair?
My hair is about halfway down my back.

73. Do you get along with your parents?
I get along better with them now that I don't live with them. Everyone in my family is stubborn. This way we all aren't in each other's paths every day.

74. What color of eyes do you prefer?
I'm a sucker for blue-eyed boys but I also like dark brown. My eyes are hazel-brown which means they go yellowish from time to time.

75. Are you an active person?
I have my good days and bad days. I was supposed to go to the gym today. Bad me.

76. What medications do you take?
I don't take any medications. I take acitaminophen when I get the occasional PMS every few months – those times when I need to be productive and being in the fetal position hampers that - but that's about it.

77. What does your bedroom look like?
My bed is in the middle. A night table is on one side with my dresser on the other. I have a small bookcase on one side of the room with my CD case on the other. I have a black desk with a computer near the foot of my bed. It's a pretty small room with five walls. I have a few posters and pictures up and a map of Croatia/Bosnia/Yugoslavia just above my headboard. Right now my room is actually clean.

That took a bit of time didn't it?


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