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: : : 2001-03-02 : : : 14:02:20 : : :

Baby, will you eat that there snack cracker in your special suit for me, please?*

Well, it was a bit shaky here a few days ago. I'm glad I don't live in Seattle. Plus, I'm happy there weren't many deaths there. It's kinda funny; I didn't realize we had an earthquake until after the fact. I was in my suite washing rice, and then I heard noises so I thought someone upstairs was running. Then I asked myself why that would make me start to rock. A few people I talked to didn't realize at first that it was an earthquake - they all thought big trucks. My friend on the island thought a truck hit her condo building, because she heard a bang before the shaking started.

In search of truth and some pointy boots.

Somewhat related, the earthquake happened on a less than stellar day for me. I wrote the midterm from hell. It was based on one of the books I had to read for the class. We were allowed to have a cheat sheet, so I filled it with some quotes from the book (I think my instructor is quote-happy: she's always asking for quotes in all the things we write). Anyway, when we received our test, most of the stuff I typed was worthless. Oh well, that happens I guess.

Baby ... you, make me wanna walk ... like a camel.

Of course, my bad day was the day after my good day. I got back my Crim mid-term and got a nice 95% on it. I wanted to put it up on the fridge, but alas I had to return it to my instructor. I do have my Auditing quiz on the fridge. I'm glad I'm doing so well in that one so far.

Little Debbie, little Debbie, I'm a comin' on home.

Last weekend I went home to visit the family. Home was home. I planned to do homework, but that didn't happen. I visited a friend who had come home for Reading Break, and we played on Napster. Also, my parents have a TV, so I watched a bit of that. The Malcolm X movie was on one night. I had watched it years ago and it was good to have a refresher. It also helped my sister out, who was quite little when we watched it the first time, so she didn't really know who all the players were. But the best part of going home: Mom's cooking! If I had my car with me and didn't have to catch a bus, I would have brought a ton home with me.

And the way you eat that oatmeal pie makes me just wanna die!

That�s about it in this week in review. I'm now in official countdown mode: 6 sleeps until I get to see Stephen Malkmus in concert. Unfortunately, this also means 6 sleeps until my Auditing midterm that night too.

*lyrics courtesy of Southern Culture on the Skids

P.S. the label EMI sucks. That is my humble opinion.

: : : Before Na No Da: : : ::: : : :After Na No Da: : :

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